The alteration, or “Photoshopping,” of images is discouraged as it has the potential to undermine the authenticity of UWM’s message. University photographers, designers and others are expected to follow the following guidelines:

  1. Cropping, color correction and adjustments for contrast and brightness are acceptable.
  2. The use of pre-programmed filters in Photoshop and similar software programs is acceptable as long as it does not substantially change the image.
  3. Portraits may be “retouched” to remove small blemishes with the permission of the photo subject. Changes that result in potential misrepresentation of someone’s height, weight, age, skin tone or other characteristic are not permitted, even at the subject’s request.
  4. Cellphone photographs that have been automatically “flipped” or reversed by the phone may be reversed again so they represent what the cellphone user saw and intended to capture.
  5. Photographs cannot be altered to add or remove objects or people without permission from the chief marketing officer and/or the vice chancellor for Marketing & Communications.
  6. AI photo alterations, such as Adobe Photoshop’s generative AI fill are not allowed.
  7. Photographs shot on white screens (or other backgrounds) and then altered to add a different background must be approved by the chief marketing officer and/or the vice chancellor for Marketing & Communications.
  8. Images created by combining two or more photographs must be approved by the chief marketing officer and/or the vice chancellor for Marketing & Communications.