Milwaukee Parent Institute

M3 is committed to achieving economic and social equality for all through education. The Milwaukee Parent Institute partners with families to ensure their children have the resources and information to achieve their dreams. Here’s how:

  • Navigating the school system.
  • Collaborating with teachers, counselors and principals.
  • Encouraging college exploration and preparation.
  • Supporting their child’s emotional and social development.
  • Creating a supportive home learning environment.

Parents want what is best for their children. What can be challenging for parents is knowing how to navigate the education system. The Milwaukee Parent Institute ensures families understand what kinds of pathways, academic support and resources are available and how to access each option. The opportunity to meet with other parents also provides avenues to share common experiences and network with families who have children attending the same school.

Sessions were held at 26 high school sites over the past several years, serving more than 1,000 parents. In 2019-20, look for expansion to middle schools as well.

Learn more information with answers to some frequently asked questions.

Is there a cost to attend the Milwaukee Parent Institute?

With support from Herb Kohl Philanthropies, funds are provided so the program can be offered at no charge. In addition, child care is provided.

Who conducts the Milwaukee Parent Institute?

The Milwaukee Parent Institute is facilitated by Milwaukee Public School (MPS) Counselors with the support of MPS Parent Coordinators.

Who can attend the Milwaukee Parent Institute?

The Milwaukee Parent Institute is open to any parent and family member who wishes to attend.

Are any sessions available in Spanish?

Sessions are offered in Spanish at the Milwaukee Public Schools Central office (5225 W. Vliet St.). In addition, printed materials are provided in Spanish.

How were Milwaukee Parent Institute materials developed?

Materials were developed by the Parent Institute for Quality Education (PIQE). The California-based nonprofit has provided parent institute programs to more than 700,000 parents throughout that state for more than three decades.

In addition, independent research has documented the following outcomes for students whose parents completed a parent institute through PIQE. One year after parents completed the program, their students outperformed the control group and:

  • Enrolled in 50% more college prep classes.
  • Had higher rates of passing (C or better) English and math required classes.
  • Had 40% less absenteeism.
  • Male students had greater GPA gains than the control group.

(See for more information and additional research)

How do I get information on when Milwaukee Parent Institute sessions are conducted?

For more information, please contact Ophelia King ( or the  counselor at your child’s school. Sessions are held in the evenings (5:30-7 p.m.) during the fall and spring semesters.

M3 is dedicated to achieving economic and social equality for all through education. The Milwaukee Parent Institute provides families with the knowledge and skills to partner with schools and communities to ensure their children achieve their full potential.