Launch & Lunch

If you are in the LEC at the noon hour on Wednesdays, we welcome you to join our Launch & Lunches. Bring your lunch, bring your smile, bring you! Flexible, casual, drop in when you can. Launch & Lunches are …

Get Ready for the 2022-2023 Startup Challenge!

Do you want to work for yourself? For a small company that shares your values? The UWM Startup Challenge prepares you to work on what you want to work on. Get ready – the 2022-2023 UWM Startup Challenge is about to …

UWM Startup Challenge Alumni Wins $10,000 Project Pitch It Award

Izabelle Villafuerte, an alumni of the UWM LEC Startup Challenge, received the Peg Ann/David Gruber Project Pitch It award earlier this year. Worth $10,000, she was recognized for her work with Empresaria Cosmetics, a startup she founded that sells wooden …

2022 UWM Innovators Expo Recap

The 2022 Spring semester has come to a close, and to finish off a great school year for the Lubar Entrepreneurship Center we held the 7th Annual UWM Innovators Expo! How did holding this event in-person after several years go? …

Join us for the UWM Innovators Expo!

The Seventh Annual UWM Innovators Expo is coming up, and the LEC cannot wait to celebrate it with you in person. Got a prototype or work in progress idea? That’s what we want to show off!  On May 6th, dozens …

Pitching and Storytelling Booster Retrospective

On December 4th, the Lubar Entrepreneurship Center kicked off the Pitching and Storytelling Startup Challenge Booster with mingling and refreshments. After each participant arrived, the booster began in full.   As with many LEC events, it started with a ‘stoke’ – a short icebreaker designed …

Business Model Canvas Mixer & Looking Ahead

The annual Business Model Canvas Mixer on November 13th was a bustle of activity as participants and mentors collaborated on participants business model canvases (BMC). 28 participants and 10 mentors took part in the event. The Business Model Canvas Mixer …

Featured Student Entrepreneur: Allyn Lottouzee

Our student entrepreneur of the month is Allyn Lottouzee, a senior at UWM pursuing his bachelor’s degrees in Conservation & Environmental Sciences and Political Theory. Get to know more about Allyn and his startup in his interview with MJ Pratt-Tooley, …

Startup Challenge Alumni – Where are they now?

The UW- Milwaukee Startup Challenge has been helping innovators, both budding and established, cultivate their ideas since its first cohort in 2012. More than 250 participants have brought in innovative ideas – from companies to products and beyond. The Startup …

Featured Student Entrepreneur: Ariel Pershman

The Lubar Entrepreneurship Center entrepreneur of the month is Ariel Pershman, Founder of Mira Eyewear. Ariel is a junior at UWM pursuing a degree in Digital Studio Practice, with classes in Occupational Therapy. Get to know more about Ariel and …

Featured Student Entrepreneur: Ross Younger

Our student entrepreneur of the month is Ross Younger, Founder of Advantage Point. Ross is a masters student at UWM pursuing his MBA. Ross is currently focused on creating a path that will include classes that will help him launch …

Sixth Annual UWM Innovator’s Expo a Success!

The sixth annual UWM Innovator’s Expo kicked off at 4:00 p.m. on May 7th, marking the second Innovator’s Expo held virtually. The annual Innovator’s Expo is a celebration of innovation and entrepreneurship at UWM and in the Milwaukee community. Over …