A Message to the UWM at Waukesha Community


I am writing to share information about what you can expect from the UWM Libraries and the UWM at Waukesha Library during the 2024-25 academic year. Our intent is to keep the library open for the duration of the academic year and continue to provide the on-site services that support faculty, instructors, and students. We do not know exactly how the year will progress, and there may be personnel or other changes that require us to adjust and find alternative ways to provide services. We appreciate your understanding and consideration.

We will keep you informed of those changes and do what we can to support you, as well as meet the June 30, 2025 goal to close the campus. Please see the Frequently Asked Questions on this page and watch this space for future updates.

And please do not hesitate to reach out to me (doylenm@uwm.edu) or Scott Silet (silet@uwm.edu), the library associate director, with your questions or concerns.


Frequently Asked Questions

1) Will the library remain open until the end of the Spring 2025 semester?

The library will remain open through the Spring 2025 semester contingent upon staffing levels. Library hours may decrease or the library space may need to close before the last day of final exams, May 17. Please check the UWM Libraries Hours page for up-to-date information. Some library services may also be affected by staffing level reductions.

2) Can I still check out books and other materials?

Yes, books and other library materials may be checked out through the end of the academic year (or until the library closes). Some materials may be dispersed before May 17 (see FAQ #4). Library staff will assist patrons in obtaining any needed materials from other libraries.

3) How will I check out materials or ask for research help if the library closes before the end of the academic year?

Students and staff will be able to request materials through Search@UW, and the UWM Libraries will mail them directly to the patron’s address. UWM Libraries reference librarians will be available for research assistance via chat.

4) What will happen to the UWM at Waukesha Library’s physical collection?

The UWM at Waukesha Library has a collection of approximately 41,000 books, periodicals, DVDs, etc. A selection of these items will added to the collection at the Golda Meir Library. Unwanted items will be offered to other libraries in the Universities of Wisconsin. Items that no longer support teaching or research at UWM or elsewhere across the Universities of Wisconsin will be sold via ThriftBooks or offered to non-profit book charities.

5) What about library furniture and equipment?

Like other campus units, the library has until June 30 to manage the closure of the space. The library is working with Campus Planning and other partners to manage these University assets in a way that is least disruptive to the campus community.

6) Who can I contact about other library questions?

For library usage questions, contact Scott Silet (silet@uwm.edu) For library administration questions, contact Scott or Michael Doylen (doylenm@uwm.edu).

7) What else is happening on the Waukesha campus as it moves toward closure?

For general information, see the Waukesha Campus Closure page.