The main Circulation Desk is the only area located within the library that is authorized to handle lost and found items.
All items and materials that are found within the building may be turned over to the Circulation Desk.
The circulation or staff will handle the materials in the following manner:
- Items of high value or importance such as keys, expensive watches and jewelry, wallets, purses, eye glasses, driver’s licenses, etc. will remain at the circulation desk for approximately one hour to allow the owner to claim. If the item is not claimed after one hour, the University Police will be called for a property pick up.
- Materials of lesser value such as books, mugs, disks, clothing, umbrellas, etc. will remain at the Circulation Desk area for approximately three to four weeks. At the end of the period they will be donated to Goodwill or other appropriate agencies.
- UWM IDs turned in to the Circulation Desk will be mailed directly to the owner’s home address.
Unclaimed lost and found items will not be given to the finder.
Any money that is found should be turned into either the circulation supervisor or to the building manager. They will contact University Police to pick it up.