Celebrating AGSL’s Leardo Mappamundi

American Geographical Society Library, Golda Meir Library 2311 E. Hartford Ave., Milwaukee, WI, United States

One of the American Geographical Society Library's most cherished holdings, the 1452 Mappamundi by the Venetian cartographer Giovanni Leardo, is undergoing multispectral imaging this winter. Join us for a series of events, starting with a talk by AGSL Curator Marcy …

Attentive or Absentminded: Habits of Mind in the Age of AI

Fourth Floor Conference Center, Golda Meir Library

A lecture presented by Meghan O'Gieblyn, author of God Human Animal Machine, and the essay collection Interior States, which won the 2018 Believer Book Award. At a moment when we are outsourcing many intellectual and creative tasks to machines, it's worth thinking …

Great Books Virtual Roundtable Discussion: Beowulf


Selection from Beowulf (ca. 10th/11th century CE) translated by Seamus Heaney (1999) Lines 1-1643 No expertise or prerequisites are required. We only ask that you read the selected text. INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE ZOOM SESSION If you think you will be attending the session, …