Hello. Here is this week’s Digital Arts & Culture Digest. We are happy to have you send us your comments or items to include. We send this newsletter out every Thursday covering events for the next ten days. Thanks for your engagement and empowerment!
This is the last digest of 2019. We hope everyone has a great end of the semester and a wonderful winter break. We will be back in 2020!
Thursday, December 5 – Sunday, December 15
Gallery Talk
5 pm, Mathis Art Gallery
American Geographical Society Library Curator, Marcy Bidney, will deliver a gallery talk highlighting loans from the AGS Library currently on view in the Mathis Art Gallery’s exhibition Water + Work. Event is free and open to the public.
The Impact of Incarceration on Communities
6 pm – 8 pm, Golda Meir Library, 4th Floor
Milwaukee Turners’ program Confronting Mass Incarceration (CMI), in collaboration with ACLU-WI, Wisconsin Justice Initiative (WJI), Marquette University, UWM, MSOE and MATC, have worked together at organizing this groundbreaking series aimed at moving the community conversation forward on confronting the broken criminal justice system in Wisconsin. As of 2018, the state has more than 23,000 incarcerated individuals, a record high. CMI and its partners seek to confront the systemic and cyclical issue of mass incarceration for the epidemic that it is in this important five-part series.
2019 George F. Kennan Distinguished Lecture
7 pm, Hefter Conference Center
During this digital age, the diverse media pipelines through which information flows are critical strategic assets. In the U.S. and societies around the world, there has been a profound and corrosive effect on the democratic process by injecting false information into this stream. Two-time Pulitzer Prize winning Washington Post reporter and author Dana Priest will discuss efforts to weaponize media and what can be done to protect the information environment. This event is free and open to the public.
Social Good Morning: Damian Buchman
9 am – 10:30 am, LEC
This month’s speaker is Damian Buchman, two-time survivor of childhood cancer and now the Founder and CEO of The Ability Center. Damian was named one of Milwaukee Business Journal’s 40 Under 40 in 2017, and he was awarded the Donald Driver Driven to Achieve Award in March of 2019 as recognition for his work helping others. Come and learn more about how Damian is shaping Milwaukee into a more accessible place for everyone.
Brian Jacobson: Pipeline Vision and the Essence of Power
3:30 pm – 5 pm, Curtin Hall 175
This talk examines the critical role that visualization technologies—including aerial photography, microphotography, and undersea cinematography—played in the rapid expansion of the French petroleum industry after World War II. Though such technologies were used across the extraction process, especially in the early prospecting phase, Jacobson will focus on what he calls the “pipeline vision” needed to develop the transmission infrastructure that, as Timothy Mitchell has argued, helped ensure the oil industry’s triumph over coal in the years after World War II.
Islamophobia and the Daily Lives of Arab and Muslim Americans
12 pm – 1 pm, UWM at Waukesha
Islamophobia impacts the daily lives of Arab and Muslim Americans in numerous ways. This talk by Dr. Louise Cainkar, an associate professor Sociology & Social Welfare and Justice at Marquette University, will cover some of the basic tenants of Muslim hating and expose how they are grounded in falsehoods as well as some of the many ways women, men, children, and families are affected by it.
John Hildebrand: Long Way Round: Through the Heartland by River
7 pm, Boswell Books
Wisconsin is in the midst of an identity crisis, torn by new political divisions and the old gulf between city and countryside. Cobbling rivers together, from the burly Mississippi to the slender wilds of Tyler Forks, Hildebrand navigates the beautiful but complicated territory of home. In once prosperous small towns, he discovers unsung heroes – lockmasters, river rats, hotelkeepers, mechanics, environmentalists, tribal leaders, and perennial mayors – struggling to keep their communities afloat.
Student Film & Video Festival
7 pm – 9 pm, Union Cinema
The Student Film and Video Festival is a bi-annual festival featuring a juried showcase of the best short films and videos from the pioneering UWM Department of Film, Video, Animation, and New Genres.
Senior Screenings
7 pm (Both Nights), Union Cinema
Celebrate a night of screenings featuring films from the BFA graduates of the UWM Department of Film, Video, Animation, and New Genres. These films represent a year of hard work and the culmination of their study in the Department.
Fall 2019 BFA Exhibition & BA Project Session
5 pm – 7 pm, Kenilworth Square East
Closing Reception. Chair’s remarks will take place at 6pm followed by a group photo.
Renditions have generated cultural meanings and material consequences for centuries. Various modes of representation—digital, virtual, analog, visual, aural, printed, and more—have critiqued, challenged, reinforced, or brought attention to our understanding of various ideas. Problematic representations have been confronted in the academy and in public discourses, from mapping’s construction of a colonial gaze to natural history museums’ renditions of past cultures to ongoing debates about representation and appropriation in popular culture. Renditions are often fraught with moral, ethical, political, social, and economic implications. Those representations also, invariably, omit certain identities or meanings while privileging others. The 2020 Midwest Interdisciplinary Graduate Conference (MIGC) inquires how various renditions can be used to interrogate how we construct our understanding of science, culture, technology, politics, youth, human behavior, and more. Please email 300-word submissions for individual papers, panels, posters, roundtables, workshops, or other formats to: themigc@gmail.com by December 15th, 2019. In your submission, please include a title, institutional affiliation, department, and whether you are an MA or PhD student.
JUNE 22-26, 2020
IDMAA 2020: Broken Media
This year’s iDMAa Conference, Exhibition, and Workshop will be focused on the theme “Broken Media” and all that entails—Hacking, Cracking, Glitching, Bending, Dysfunction, Preservation, Remediation, Reform, Exploitation, Activism—all possible interpretations are under consideration! This year, they are especially interested in making the conference accessible and interesting for students. The goal is an energetic experience that brings students, faculty, and professionals together to ponder what it means to be “militantly marginal” in a post-digital world.
About DAC: Digital Arts and Culture is an interdisciplinary program combining courses in the areas of arts, humanities, social sciences, and information studies.
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