Be A Part Of The 2015 SECC Campaign

Dear UWM Colleague,

Our campus success over the past year continues to be directly related to your mark monesupport of our mission and goals. While we continue to advance our priority goals of research and access, we also continue to support our external campaign of embracing community through campus giving. Our State and University Employees Combined Giving Campaign (SECC) continues to build capacity for our partnerships and linkages with the external community. The 2014 campaign, like so many other years, was successful in raising approximately $110,000. Through the generosity of you, our active and retired faculty and staff, special campus events, and general donations, we were able to top our goal in last year’s campaign.

We are ready to challenge ourselves again, and to provide the same, if not higher, amount to our greater Milwaukee area community non-profits, many of whom engaged in important research and volunteer efforts with our University. One way of delivering this message is through the support of the 2015 UWM Gives to Community campaign, which runs from Oct. 12-Nov. 30. This year’s campaign message, One More, truly reflects the impact that UWM has on the region by our generous donations – one individual at a time.

What’s the good news? You are already registered to participate in the SECC campaign. All faculty and staff (both active and retired) are eligible to make their gift through a confidential process. As in the past, you can target your donation to any of the agencies described on the Milwaukee Gives website. Your division/department coordinator will ensure that you receive the appropriate forms, which you will return in a sealed envelope. You can also give online today.

I invite you to keep track of all SECC events, weekly incentive prize drawings, and other information by visiting UWM’s SECC website. Please feel free to contact this year’s SECC Campus Coordinator, Deidre Merritt, who is leading the 2015 campaign, by email or by calling 414-229-5152 with any questions. The Executive Sponsor for the campaign is Dr. Joan Prince, Vice Chancellor for Global Inclusion and Engagement.

Thank you for considering my request to support the 2015 SECC Campaign. By taking part in this process, you will again be of assistance to those who most need our help. Let’s continue to be the institution that can proudly say “ONE MORE” truly makes a difference.


Mark A. Mone, Ph.D.