Declare a Submajor/Certificate


The Submajor and Certificate in Comparative Ethnic Studies are open to all students seeking a bachelor’s degree from UWM. The certificate is available to those who previously received a bachelor’s degree from UWM or any other accredited college or university, and to those who do not plan to pursue a college or university degree (non-degree students) but who have a strong interest in this area of study. To be admitted to the university as non-degree students, individuals must meet regular university admission requirements.

Application Steps

  1. Meet Your Advisor: Make an appointment with the program’s advisor. Send an email to with the subject line Declaring Comparative Ethnic Studies Submajor or Certificate.
  2. Fill out Declaration Form: Fill out the top portion of the Declaration Form. The bottom portion of the form is an advising worksheet which you can fill out together when you meet with your advisor.
  3. Complete Course Requirements: Take classes that interest you! See the Comparative Ethnic Studies Requirements or Certificate Requirements pages for requirements and options.
  4. Program Completion: Attain and finalize your graduation by scheduling a meeting with both your L&S and academic advisor (if graduating, soon after you apply for graduation). Have an exit interview with your academic advisor and finalize transcript details such as course substitutions, special topics or independent studies. Congratulations!