Vulnerability and Older Adults: Ethical Considerations
Presented by Milwaukee County Aging and Disabilities Services, Bader Philanthropies, and the Helen Bader School of Social Welfare’s Office of Applied Gerontology.
Thursday, June 8, 2023 from 9:00 – 11:30 am CST
This workshop will examine statutory and popular definitions of vulnerability and how they impact our response to abuse in later life. Ethical and cultural considerations for the older adult and practitioner will be discussed within a practice context.
- Participants will increase their understanding of the interconnection between the label vulnerable older adult and ageism.
- Participants will explore ethical dilemmas that occur between protecting an older adult from harm and respecting individual freedoms.
- Participants will explore how to maintain professional competence when faced with an ethical dilemma. Ethical decision making tools and codes of conduct will be examined.
- Participants will explore the intersection between ageism and culture.
Free 2.5 Ethics Continuing Education Hours are available for participants who attend the whole program and request a certificate.
Ann Laatsch, JD
Justice System Coordinator, National Clearinghouse on Abuse in Later Life
Dr. Colleen Galambos, PhD, LCSW, LCSW-C, ACSW, FGSA, FAASWSW
Helen Bader Endowed Chair in Applied Gerontology, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Dinah LaCaze, MBA, APSW
APS Prevention Program Coordinator, Milwaukee County Aging and Disabilities Services
Rujeko Machinga, MSc, MSSW, MSCFT, CSW
PhD Student, College of Social Work, University of Kentucky
This is a World Elder Abuse Awareness Day event.