- ludowise@uwm.edu
- 414-430-9836
- Enderis Hall 1045
Livy Malle, MSW
- Senior Lecturer, Social Work
Livy Malle joined the faculty in the Social Work Department at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee in 2017. She has direct practice experience with children and families involved in the child welfare system, foster care and adoption as well as nonprofit agency administration in the Milwaukee area. Her expertise is in child well-being, child maltreatment and trauma, family systems, and permanency planning for children in alternate care.
Livy received her MSW from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee in 2007 and has been teaching as an adjunct faculty member since 2016. She is currently teaching both graduate and undergraduate level classes.
Professional Interests:
- Social work with children and families in urban settings
- Impact of trauma on human development
- Shared parenting for children in alternate care