Gwat-Yong Lie, PhD
- Associate Professor Emerita, Social Work
Dr. Gwat-Yong Lie joined the faculty in fall 1996, after 11 years at Arizona State University. She taught courses in direct practice in the Helen Bader School of Social Welfare.
Dr. Lie has done research and published in the areas of homelessness, child welfare, multicultural competence, and women's issues - particularly Asian-American women. Her clinical experience includes group work with adult survivors of incest, and rape counseling and advocacy.
- Ph.D., Social Welfare, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1984
- MSW, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, 1980
- BSocSci (Hons), Economics & Sociology, University of Singapore, 1971
Professional Interests:
- Homelessness
- Child welfare – staff training and development
- Violence against women and children
- Multicultural competence
Recent Grants and Contracts:
- 2016-2019: $190,737, Milwaukee County Housing First Project (MCHF). CABHI grant award (SM063357-01) to Milwaukee County Housing Division (MCHD) for $2.4M. Sub-contract to UWM/HBSSW for project evaluation services.
- 2014-2017: $152,303, Grants for the Benefit of Homeless Individuals – Services in Supportive Housing (GBHI-SSH). Program Evaluation Contract to UWM/HBSSW in connection with grant (TI025715) from SAMHSA/CSAT for $400,000 to Office of the Mayor, City of Milwaukee.
- 2011-2014: $146,748, Cooperative Agreement to Benefit Homeless Individuals (CABHI). Funded by SAMHSA/CSAT, Grant TI023528-01 to Outreach Community Health Center (OCHC) with UWM/HBSSW as program evaluation/research partner.
- 2005-2010: $290,108, Comprehensive Treatment Services for the Homeless Adults with Co-Occurring Disorders. Funded by SAMHSA/CSAT, Grant TI016556-01 to Health Care for the Homeless of Milwaukee, Inc. with UWM/HBSSW as program evaluation/research partner.
- Funded by Wisconsin Department of Family and Children Services:
- 2014-2019:
- Wisconsin Home Visiting Annual Training Contracts
- 2007-2019:
- Foster Parent Annual Training Contracts
- 2001-2019:
- Milwaukee Child Welfare Staff Annual Training Contracts
- 2014-2019:
- 2015: UWM Distinguished Public Service Award
- 2010: UWM Faculty Distinguished University Service Award
- 2002: Woman of Color Honoree, University of Wisconsin-System
Professional Work:
- 2014-present: UW-Milwaukee Representative, Executive Board, Milwaukee Continuum of Care. Lead Agency: City of Milwaukee. Charge: To organize people and resources to end homelessness in Milwaukee.
- 2013-2018: President, Women and Social Work, Inc.
- 2012-present: Manuscript reviewer, Affilia Journal of Women and Social Work.
- 2002-present: Consulting Editor, Families in Society.
- 2008-2011: Member, Strategic Leadership Team, Healthy Wisconsin 2020. Wisconsin Department of Health and Family Services and Wisconsin Division of Public Health.
- 2005-2011: Member, Commission for Diversity and Social and Economic Justice, Council of Social Work Education, Alexandria, VA.
- 2005-2008: Chair, Council on Racial, Ethnic and Cultural Diversity, Council of Social Work Education, Alexandria, VA.
- 2003-2010: Member, Grants Review & Advisory Committee, Healthy Girls’ Program Initiative, United Way of Greater Milwaukee.
- 2001-2006: Member, Grants Advisory Committee, Women’s Fund, Milwaukee, WI.
Professional Affiliations:
- Council on Social Work Education (CSWE)
- Society for Social Work and Research (SSWR)
- Lie, G.Y., O’Brien, Patricia & Gutierrez, Lorraine (Oct. 2014). Creating Spaces of Possibility: Continued Discussions. Annual program Meeting, Council on Social Work Education, Tampa, FL.
- O’Brien, Patricia, Lie, G.Y. & Gutierrez, Lorraine (Nov. 2013). Creating Spaces of Possibility: Diverse Perspectives on the Unsettling Feminisms UnConference. Think Tank Session, Council on Social Work Education, Annual Program Meeting, Dallas, TX.
- Lie, G.Y., O’Brien, Patricia & Teasley, Martell (Oct. 2011). Collective Bargaining: Why Social Work Should Care. Panel presentation sponsored by the Commission on Social and Economic Justice. Council on Social Work Education. Annual Program Meeting, October 2011, Atlanta, GA.
- Lie, G.Y. (Oct. 2008). Invited panelist, Rethinking Diversity in Social Work.Panel presentation sponsored by the Commission on Social and Economic Justice, Council on Social Work Education, Annual Program Meeting October 2008, Philadelphia, PA.
- Lie, G.Y. (Feb. 2007). Invited Panelist. “Leadership Skills and Tools in a Diverse Environment.” Panel presentation sponsored by the Commission on Social and Economic Justice, Council on Social Work Education, Leadership Seminar 2007, Charleston, SC.
Publications | Book Chapters:
- Lie, G.Y. & Lowery, Christine. (2007). Cultural competence with women of color. In Doman Lum (Ed.) Culturally Competent Practice: A Framework for Understanding Diverse Groups and Justice Issues (pp.351-388). Belmont, CA., Thomson Brooks/Cole.
- Lie, G.Y. (2006). Family violence, child welfare and substance abuse in Southeast Asian refugee and immigrant populations. In Rowena Fong, Ruth McRoy and Carmen Hendricks (Eds.) Intersecting Child Welfare, Substance Abuse, and Family Violence: Culturally Competent Approaches. Alexandria, VA., CSWE Publications.
- Lie, G.Y. (2004). Invited Commentary on Unit 8: Using our social work knowledge base to help clients attain health. In Alice Lieberman and Cheryl B. Lester (Eds.) Social Work with a Difference: A Literary Approach (pp. 464-469). New York, McGraw-Hill.
Technical Reports:
- Frey, Jennifer, Acevedo, Rafael and Lie, G.Y. (Jul 2018). Grants for the Benefit of Homeless Individuals – Services in Supportive Housing (GBHI-SSH). Final report submitted to SAMHSA/CSAT in fulfillment of SAMHSA Cooperative Agreement 1 UDH TI025715-01.
- Carroll, L., St. George, K. and Lie, G.Y. (Dec. 2010). Comprehensive Treatment Services for Homeless Adults with Co-Occurring Disorders. Final report submitted to SAMHSA/ CSAT in fulfillment of SAMHSA Cooperative Agreement Number 1 H79 TI 16556-01.
- Carroll, L., St. George, K., and Lie, G.Y. (May 2005). Addictions Treatment for the Homeless. Final report submitted to SAMHSA/CSAT in fulfillment of SAMHSA Cooperative Agreement Number 1 U79 TI 13028-01.