Brenna Durand
- PhD Student, Criminal Justice & Criminology
- Research Assistant, Social Work
Brenna Durand is a doctoral student in the Department of Criminal Justice & Criminology. She is currently working with Dr. Jane Hereth in the Department of Social Work on her research project with transgender women in Chicago and Milwaukee to create a life history calendar (LHC). The goal of this project is to develop a mental health intervention for transgender women based on their life trajectories.
This past summer, Brenna was a research assistant for Dr. Jeannine Rowe at the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater (Department of Social Work). She worked on an interdisciplinary project titled, "Privacy Protection among Community-Dwelling Older Wisconsinites in the Age of Internet of Things." The goal of this project is to determine the potential cybersecurity risks older adults face when using Internet of Things (IoT) medical devices. This project is ongoing.
Last academic year, Brenna worked on two systematic reviews with Dr. Ai Bo in the Department of Social Work. The first review was on youth substance use programs for racial minorities. The second systematic review is still in manuscript phase; it is on parent-based racial socialization interventions.
- M.S., Criminal Justice (Crime Analytics), UW-Milwaukee, 2018
- B.S., Criminal Justice, UW-Milwaukee, 2013
Research Interests:
- Hate crime victimization and law enforcement practices
- Criminological theories
- Spatial analysis
- Intervention and program designs