The criminal justice and criminology field program is designed to enhance the criminal justice academic experience. Students have the opportunity to work in criminal justice-related settings while earning course credits.
Currently employed in the criminal justice field? You may qualify to earn credits for your real-world experience.
How to Sign Up for a Field Placement
Choose your semester for field placement.
Undergraduate students should enroll in Field Experience Practicum (CRM JST 311). Graduate students should enroll in Independent Reading with Dr. LeBel (CRM JST 999).
Choose an agency.
Review the list of agencies (PDF) and submit an application with your preferences to the field placement office (Enderis 1125). Fill out the Field Placement Application.
The deadline to apply for a Summer 2025 field placement is Friday, Feb. 28, 2025.
Attend field placement orientation.
Information and dates will be mailed to you several weeks before the start of semester. Contact the program coordinator if you did not receive this information.
- Criminal justice and criminology field program preference will be given to declared criminal justice majors and those who apply early.
- Must have junior standing or above.
- Must have a cumulative GPA of 2.5 or higher.
- Must have completed CRM JST 110: Introduction to Criminal Justice.
- Undergraduate students may take up to six field placement credits at the permission of the department chair.
- Graduate students are allowed three field placement credits.
CRM JST 311 is a graded course even though there are no class meetings throughout the semester. All of the following will be factors in determining the final grade:
- Orientation: Although not part of the overall grade, you must attend the orientation meeting and a final meeting during the semester of placement.
- Daily journal (25%): Details will be provided by the field program project assistant.
- Final paper (50%): Details will be provided by the field program project assistant.
- Field supervisor evaluation (25%): Your field supervisor will complete a performance evaluation and submit it directly to the program coordinator at the final meeting.
Law Enforcement Placements
- CRM JST 271: Police Process
Correctional Placements
- CRM JST 273: Correctional Process
Legal Agency Placements
- CRM JST 275: Criminal Court Process
Planning / Research Placements
- CRM JST 662: Methods of Social Welfare Research
Credits for Current Experience
Are you currently employed in the field of criminal justice? Do you have a job as a police officer, community service officer, probation/parole agent, correctional officer, paralegal or legal secretary, case manager or counselor for justice-impacted adults or youth, or another position in the field of criminal justice?
If yes, and you would like to potentially earn three credits for your current employment, please complete an online application for the field placement program.
The field placement course will require students to complete writing assignments based on their current employment position.
Associate Professor
Greta Hanthorn
Project Assistant
Criminal Justice Field Program
Helen Bader School of Social Welfare
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
PO Box 786
Enderis Hall, Room 1125
Milwaukee, WI 53201-0786
Fax: 414-229-5311
Field Placement Deadlines
Spring 2025
Friday, Oct. 25, 2024
Summer 2025
Friday, Feb. 28, 2025
Fall 2025
Friday, April 25, 2025