In the UW-Milwaukee Pediatric Neuromotor Laboratory we are engaged in translational research, blending developmental inquiry with clinical application. We emphasize skill acquisition and early motor control in infants and toddlers. Populations studied include: Spina Bifida, Prader Willi syndrome, and typical development. Graduate and undergraduate students are a part of the laboratory team.
Current Projects
- Enhanced Sensory Input and Step Output in Infants with Spina Bifida.
- Visual flow and Stepping in Infants with Typical Development.
- Pelvic Muscle Activation in Stepping and Kicking in Infants with Typical Development.
- Growth Hormone Supplementation and Motor Development in Infants with Prader Willi syndrome.
Primary Research Equipment
- Six camera Motion Analysis Eagle Motion Capture System
- 16-channel Noraxon Myosystem 1400A EMG
- Two infant treadmills
- Digital video cameras
- Swiss Anthropometer
- Infant recumbent scales
Primary Research Software
- MatLab
- Labview
- Visual 3D
- Origin
Victoria A. Moerchen, PT, PhD
3409 N. Downer Ave.
Pavillion, Room 356B
Milwaukee, WI 53211