Theodore I. King, II, PhD, OTR, CAc, FAOTA
- Associate Professor Emeritus, Programs in Occupational Therapy, Science & Technology
- Administration and Management, Michigan State University, 1980
- MS, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Midwest College of Oriental Medicine, Wisconsin, 2003
- MS, Occupational Therapy, Western Michigan University, 1978
- MA, Educational Leadership, Western Michigan University, 1975
- MS, Biological Science, Western Michigan University, 1974
- BS, Biology/Secondary Education, Michigan State University, 1970
Speaker Topics
- Anatomy
- Neuroscience
- Research Statistics
- Integrative Medicine
- Educational Methodologies
Interests & Expertise
Theodore King’s initial practice and research focused on treatment efficacies related to working with stroke and spinal cord patients. This developed into splinting and electrical agent use to assist in treating contractures and spasticity.
Later in his career King focused his attention on the use of integrative medicine and, specifically, acupuncture to treat common problems such as low back pain, cervical pain, headaches and infertility.
Occupational therapy work experiences included working with children ages 0-12, adult physical rehabilitation, and hand therapy. Acupuncture services were provided to patients within the Aurora Health Care system in Milwaukee to patients of all ages. King’s teaching experiences began as a biology teacher in high school and later included faculty positions at Western Michigan University, University of Wisconsin–Madison, University of North Carolina, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Concordia University Wisconsin, and University of Shanghai in China.
As a computer programmer, King developed software to be used for treatment purposes in cognitive rehabilitation, hand strengthening, child development, hand splinting, ergonomics, and documentation.
King also served as a pilot in the United States Air Force during the Vietnam Era.
Selected Publications
Alotaibi, M., Abdulraouf, A., King, T.I., & Uddin, S., “The Effect of Kinesio Taping in Reducing Myofascial Pain Syndrome on the Upper Trapezius Muscle: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis”. European Scientific Journal, 14: 336-350.
King, T.I., “Inter-Instrument Reliability of the Jamar Plus® Electronic Dynamometer and Pinch Gauge to the Jamar Hydraulic Dynamometer and B&L Mechanical Pinch Gauge”. American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 67: 480-483, 2013.
King, T.I., “A Survey to Determine the Reliability of Dynamometer and Pinch Gauge Dial Readings Among Certified Hand Therapists”. Open Journal of Occupational Therapy, Volume 1, Issue 2, Winter 2013.
King, T.I., “Acupuncture Treatment for Lateral Epicondylitis”. Medical Acupuncture, 22(2): 73-80, 2010.
King, T.I., "Chapter 25: Optimizing Motor Control Using Biofeedback". In Occupational Therapy for Physical Dysfunction, 5th Edition, Catherine Trombly (editor), Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2002.
King, T.I., Droessler, J.L., "Physical Properties of Short- Stretch Compression Bandages Used to Treat Lymphedema". American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 55: 573-576, 2001.
King, T. I., "Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation to Spastic Muscles to Reduce Tone". American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 50: 62-64, 1996.
King, T. I., "EMG Biofeedback Treatment in Hemiplegia". Critical Reviews in Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine, 6: 259-272, 1994.
King, T. I., "The Use of Electromyographic Biofeedback in Occupational Therapy for Treatment of Stress-Related Disorders". Occupational Therapy Practice, 3: 50-58, 1992.
King, T. I., "The Use of Electromyographic Biofeedback in Treating a Client with Tension Headaches". American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 46: 839-842, 1992.
King, T. I., "Use of the Tonic Labyrinthine Inverted Position to Facilitate Extensor Tone: A Pilot EMG Study". Occupational Therapy Journal of Research, 3: 176-177, 1983.
King, T. I., "Plaster Splinting as a Means of Reducing Elbow Flexor Spasticity: A Case Study". American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 36: 671-673, 1982.Honors and Awards
Honors and Awards
Certificate of Excellence for Learning and Challenge in the Classroom, Concordia University Wisconsin, Mequon, WI, 2015
Outstanding Alumni Academy, College of Health and Human Services, Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, MI, 2012
CEO Excellence Award, Aurora Health Care, Milwaukee, WI, 2011
Service Award from the American Occupational Therapy Association for leadership as a member of the Roster of Accreditation Evaluators (1994-1997) and member of the Accreditation Council for Occupational Therapy Education (1997-2001), 2001.
Certificate of Appreciation from American Occupational Therapy Association for commitment to the professional development of practitioners, 1999.
Fellow of the American Occupational Therapy Association for Excellence in Neuroscience Education and Technology Development, American Occupational Therapy Association, 1997.