Portrait of Scott Strath

Scott J. Strath, PhD, ACSM Fellow

  • Professor, Kinesiology Graduate Program Director


Clinical Research Scholars NIH-K30 Program, Division of Epidemiology, Department of Population Health, Medical College of Wisconsin 2009
Post Doctoral Fellow Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, University of Michigan Medical School 2003
Fellow Physical Activity and Public Health Postgraduate Course on Research Directions and Strategies, University of South Carolina 2002
Ph D Exercise Science, Cognate: Nutrition University of Tennessee 2001
Post Doctoral Scholar Spinal Cord and Brain Injury Research Center, University of Kentucky College of Medicine 2001
MS Exercise, Science Ball State University 1998
B.Ed. Hons Physical Education Sheffield Hallam University 1996

Speaker Topics

  • Physical Activity and Aging
  • Physical Activity and Public Health
  • Physical Activity Assessment
  • Physical Activity Promotional Strategies

Interests & Expertise

Scott Strath's primary research focus revolves around physical activity and public health. Specific interests include the relationship between physical activity and cardiovascular health; physical activity promotional strategies; physical activity assessment; physical activity epidemiology; community and national physical activity patterns; and environmental determinants of physical activity behavior.

Selected Publications

Hyngstrom, A S., Cho, Chris C., Berrios-Barillas, R, Joshi, M, Rowley, T W., Keenan, Kevin G., Staudenmayer, J, Swartz, Ann M., and Strath, Scott J. “Identification of Latent Classes of Motor Performance in a Heterogenous Population of Adults.” Archives of Rehabilitation Research and Clinical Translation 2.4 (2020): 100080.

Keadle, Sarah K., Lyden, Kate A., Strath, Scott J., Staudenmayer, John W., and Freedson, Patty S. “A Framework to Evaluate Devices That Assess Physical Behavior.” Exercise and Sport Sciences Reviews 47.4 (2019): 206-214.

Strath, Scott J., and Rowley, Taylor W. “Wearables for Promoting Physical Activity.” Clinical Chemistry 64.1 (2018): 53-63.

WELCH, WHITNEY A., ALEXANDER, NEIL B., SWARTZ, ANN M., MILLER, NORA E., TWARDZIK, ERICA, and Strath, Scott J. “Individualized Estimation of Physical Activity in Older Adults with Type 2 Diabetes.” Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise 49.11 (2017): 2185-2190.

Swartz, Ann M., Miller, Nora E., Cho, Young I., Welch, Whitney A., and Strath, Scott J. “A prospective examination of the impact of high levels of exercise training on sedentary behaviour.” European Journal of Sport Science 17.2 (2017): 222-230.

Lerma, Nicholas L., Swartz, Ann M., Rowley, Taylor, Maeda, Hotaka, and Strath, Scott J. “Increasing the Energy Expenditure of Seated Activities in Older Adults with a Portable Elliptical Device.” Journal of Aging and Physical Activity 25.1 (2017): 99-104.

Rowley, Taylor W., Lenz, Elizabeth K., Swartz, Ann M., Miller, Nora E., Maeda, Hotaka, and Strath, Scott J. “Efficacy of an Individually Tailored, Internet-Mediated Physical Activity Intervention in Older Adults: A Randomized Controlled Trial.” Journal of Applied Gerontology. (2017): 073346481773539.

Dondzila, Christopher J., Swartz, Ann M., Keenan, Kevin G., Harley, Amy E., Azen, Razia, and Strath, Scott J. “Translating exercise interventions to an in-home setting for seniors: preliminary impact on physical activity and function.” Aging Clinical and Experimental Research 28.6 (2016): 1227-1235.

Kate, Rohit J., Swartz, Ann M., Welch, Whitney A., and Strath, Scott J. “Comparative evaluation of features and techniques for identifying activity type and estimating energy cost from accelerometer data.” Physiological Measurement 37.3 (2016): 360-379.

Swartz, Ann M., Cho, Young I., Welch, Whitney A., and Strath, Scott J. “Movement Discordance between Healthy and Non-Healthy US Adults.” PLOS ONE 11.2 Ed. Lucia, Alejandro. (2016): e0150325.

Suboc, Tisha B., Knabel, Daniel, Strath, Scott J., Dharmashankar, Kodlipet,

Coulliard, Allison, Malik, Mobin, Haak, Kristoph, and Widlansky, Michael E. “Associations of Reducing Sedentary Time With Vascular Function and Insulin Sensitivity in Older Sedentary Adults.” American Journal of Hypertension 29.1 (2016): 46-53.

Welch, Whitney A., Swartz, Ann M., Cho, Chi C., and Strath, Scott J. “Accuracy of Direct Observation to Assess Physical Activity in Older Adults.” Journal of Aging and Physical Activity 24.4 (2016): 583-590.

Newsom, J. T., Shaw, B. A., August, K. J., and Strath, Scott J. “Physical activity-related social control and social support in older adults: Cognitive and emotional pathways to physical activity.” Journal of Health Psychology. (2016): 16.

Lerma, Nicholas L., Keenan, Kevin G., Strath, Scott J., Forseth, Bethany M., Cho, Chi C., and Swartz, Ann M. “Muscle activation and energy expenditure of sedentary behavior alternatives in young and old adults.” Physiological Measurement 37.10 (2016): 1686-1700.

Tarasenko, Y, Howell, B M., Studts, C, Strath, Scott J., and Schoenberg, N E. “Acceptability and Feasibility of Physical Activity Assessment Methods for an Appalachian Population.” Journal of Community Health 40.4 (2015): 714-724.

Jolly, S, Zhao, Shuang, Djuric, ZXora, and Strath, Scott J. “Maintaining physical activity during (head and neck) cancer treatment (MPACT): Results of a pilot controlled trial.” Journal of Clinical Oncology 33.15 (2015).

Tyagi, S, Curley, M, Berger, M, Fox, J, Strath, Scott J., Rubenstein, J, Roth, J, and Widlansky, M. “Pacemaker Quantified Physical Activity Predicts All-Cause Morality.” Journal of the American College of Cardiology 66.6 (2015): 754-755.

Steeves, J A., Murphy, R A., Zipunnikov, V, Strath, Scott J., and Harris, T B. “Women workers and women at home are equally inactive: NHANES 2003-2006.” Med Sci Sports Exerc 47.8 (2015): 1635-1642.

Harley, Amy, Rice, J, Walker, R, Strath, Scott J., Quintilani, L M., and Bennett, G G. “Physically active, low-income African American women: An exploration of activity maintenance in the context of sociodemographci factors associated with inactivity.” Women’s Health 54.4 (2014): 354-372.

Suboc, T B., Strath, Scott J., Dharmashankar, K, Coulliard, A, Miller, N, Wang, Jinsung, Tanner, M J., and Widlansky, M E. “Relative importance of step count, intensity, and duration on physical activity’s impact on vascular structure and function in previously sedentary older adults.” J Am Heart Assoc 3.1 (2014): e000702.

Suboc, T B., Strath, Scott J., Dharmashankar, K, Harmann, L, Coulliard, A, Malik, M, Haak, K, Knabel, D, and Wildansky, M E. “The impact of moderate intensity physical activity on cardiac structure and performance in older sedentary adults.” Int J Cardiol Heart Vessels 4. (2014): 19-24.

Dondzila, C J., Swartz, Ann M., Keenan, Kevin, Harley, Amy, Azen, R, and Strath, Scott J. “Geospatial relationships between awareness and utilization of community exercise resources and physical activity levels in older adults.” J Aging Research 2014. (2014).

Byun, W, Ozemek, C, Riggin, K, Strath, Scott J., and Kaminsky, L A. “Correlates of objectively measured physical activity in cardiac patients.” Cardiovasc Diagn Ther 4.5 (2014): 406-410.

Strath, Scott J., Kaminsky, L A., Ainsworth, B E., Ekelund, U, Freedson, P S., Gary, R A., Richardson, C R., Smith, D T., and Swartz, Ann M. “A comprehensive guide to the assessment of physical activity: Clinical and research application. A scientific statement from the American Heart Association.” Circulation 128.20 (2013): 2259-2279.

Gennuso, K P., Zalewski, Kathryn R., , and Strath, Scott J. “Resistance training congruent with minimal guidelines improves function in older adults: A pilot study.” Journal of Physical Activity and Health 10.6 (2013): 769-776.

Nelson, R K., Horowitz, J F., Holleman, R G., Swartz, Ann M., Strath, Scott J., Kriska, A M., and rICHARDSON, C r. “Daily physical activity predicts degree of insulin resistance: a cross-sectional observational study using the 2003-2004 National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey.” International Journal on Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity 10. (2013): 10.

Ozemak, C, Cochran, H L., Strath, Scott J., Byun, W, and Kaminsky, L A. “Estimating relative intensity using individualized accelerometer cutpoints: The importance of fitness level.” BMC Medical Research Methodology 13. (2013): 53.

Strath, Scott J., and Lenz, E K. Active living for seniors: Benefits and options. ACSM Guide to Physical Activity and Exercise for Older Adults, 2013.

Kaminsky, L A., Jones, J, Riggins, K A., and Strath, Scott J. “A pedometer-based physical activity intervention for patients entering a maintenance cardiac rehabilitation program: A pilot study.” Cardiovascular Diagnosis and Therapy 3.2 (2013).

Strath, Scott J., Pfeiffer, K A., and Whitt-Glover, M C. “Accelerometer use with children, older adults, and adults with functional limitations.” Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise 44.Suppl 1 (2012): S77-85.

Dondzila, C J., Swartz, Ann M., Miller, N E., Lenz, E K., and Strath, Scott J. “Accuracy of uploadable pedometers in laboratory, overground, and free-living conditions in young and older adults.” International Journal on Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity 9.1 (2012): 143.

Strath, Scott J., Greenwald, M J., Isaacs, R, Hart, T L., Lenz, E K., Dondzila, C J., and Swartz, Ann M. “Measured and perceived environmental characteristics are related to accelerometer defined physical activity in older adults.” International Journal on Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity 9. (2012): 40.

Swartz, Ann M., Tarima, S, Miller, N E., Grimm, E K., Rote, A E., and Strath, Scott J. “Prediction of body fat in older adults by time spent in sedentary behavior.” Journal of Aging and Physical Activity 20.3 (2012): 332-344.

Serwe, K M., Swartz, Ann M., Hart, T L., and Strath, Scott J. “Effects of long-bout versus short-bout interventions on physical activity behavior in women.” Journal of Women’s Health 20.2 (2011): 247-253.

Hart, T L., Swartz, Ann M., Cashin, Susan E., and Strath, Scott J. “How many days of monitoring are needed to accurately estimate physical activity in older adults.” International Journal on Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity 16.8 (2011): 62.

Ewalt, L A., Danduran, M J., Strath, Scott J., Moerchen, Victoria A., and Swartz, Ann M. “Objectively assessed physical activity and sedentary behavior does not differ between children and adolescents with and without a congenital heart defect: a pilot examination.” Cardiology in the Young. (2011): 1-8.

Bassett Jr, D R., Howley, E T., Thompson, D L., King, G A., Strath, Scott J., McLaughlin, J E., and Parr, B B. “Validation of a computerized metabolic measurement system.” Journal of Applied Physiology 91.1 (2011): 218-224.

Strath, Scott J., Parker, S j., Grimm, E K., Miller, N E., Hart, T L., Swartz, Ann M., and Cashin, Susan E. “A pilot randomized controlled trial evaluating motivationally matched pedometer feedback to increase physical activity behavior in older adults.” Journal of Physical Activity and Health 8.Suppl 2 (2011): S267-274.

Swartz, Ann M., Squires, L, and Strath, Scott J. “Energy expenditure of interruptions to sedentary behavior.” International Journal on Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity 8. (2011): 69.

Stevenson, T G., Rigin, K, Nagelkirk, P R., Hargens, T A., Strath, Scott J., and Kaminsky, L. “Physical activity habits of cardiac patients participating in an early outpatient rehabilitation program.” Journal of Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation and Prevention 29. (2009): 229-303.

Strath, Scott J. “Ambulatory profiles of the elderly.” Journal of Aging and Physical Activity 17.1 (2009): 46-56.

Hawkins, M S., Shorti, K L., Richardson, C R., King, W C., Strath, Scott J., Holleman, R G., and Kriska, A M. “Objectively measured physical activity of U.S. adults by sex, age, and racial/ethnic groups: Cross-sectional study.” International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity 6. (2009): 31-38.

Tudor-Locke, C, Bassett Jr, D R., Rutherford, W J., Ainsworth, B E., Chan, C B., Croteau, K, Giles-Corti, B, Le Masurier, G, Moreau, K, Mrozek, J, Oppert, J M., Raustop, A, Strath, Scott J., Thompson, D L., Whitt, M, Wilde, B, and Wojcik, J R. “BMI-referenced cut-points for pedometer-determined steps/day in adults.” Journal of Aging and Physical Activity 5.Suppl 1 (2008): S126-S139.

Janney, C A., Richardson, C R., Hollerman, R G., Glasheen, C, Strath, Scott J., Conroy, M B., and Kriska, A M. “Gender moderates the inverse relationship between objectively measured physical activity and mental health service use.” Journal of Mental Health and Physical Activity 1. (2008): 9-16.

Ham, S A., Reis, J P., Strath, Scott J., Dubose, K D., and Ainsowrth, B E. “Discrepancies in identifying objectively determined physical activity bouts.” Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise 39.1 (2007): 52-58.

Strath, Scott J., Swartz, Ann M., Parker, S J., Miller, N E., and Cieslik, L J. “Walking and the metabolic syndrome in a community dwelling older adult sample.” Journal of Physical Activity and Health 43.3 (2007): 397-410.

Strath, Scott J., Brage, S, and Ekelund, U. “Integration of physiological and accelerometer data to improve physical activity assessment.” Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise 37.11 (2005): S563-S571.

Conger, S A., Strath, Scott J., and Bassett Jr, D R. “Validity and reliability of the FitSense FS-1 Speedometer during walking and running.” International Journal of Sports Medicine 26.3 (2005): 208-213.

Eisnmann, J C., Strath, Scott J., Shadrick, D, Rigsby, P, Hirsch, N, and Jacobson, L. “Validity of uniaxial accelerometry during activities of daily living in children.” European Journal of Applied Physiology 91.2-3 (2004): 259-263.

Bassett Jr, D R., and Strath, Scott J. The Pedometer. Ed. Welk, G, and Dale, D. Physical Activity Assessments for Health-Related Research, 2002: 163-177.

Honors & Awards

Senior Research Award (2020) University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee.

Deans Research Award (2017) College of Health Sciences, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee.

Fellow (2013) American College of Sports Medicine.

Dean’s Ambassador Award (2012) College of Health Sciences, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee.

Dean’s Research Award (2007) College of Health Sciences, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee.

Doctoral Faculty Status (2006) College of Health Sciences, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee.