- malcoe@uwm.edu
- 414-229-7229
- Zilber 352
Lorraine Halinka Malcoe, PhD, MPH
- Professor and Public Health Undergraduate Program Director
PhD, Epidemiology, University of California, Berkeley
MPH, Epidemiology and Biostatistics, University of California, Berkeley
AB, Biology, San Diego State University
Dr. Malcoe conducts interdisciplinary and community-engaged research that integrates critical theories and methodologies from social sciences and humanities with those from public health and epidemiology. Her work aims to elucidate and diminish health consequences of structured inequality produced by interlocking systems of oppression. She has strong methodological expertise in integrating community-based participatory research (CBPR) and epidemiologic methods to produce actionable research that can directly inform public health practice as well as local, state, and national policy. She has 30 years of experience designing and directing federally funded (e.g., NIDA, NIJ, NIEHS, CDC, CIHR [Canada]) observational, participatory, and community-level intervention research impacting low income, African American, Indigenous, immigrant, and Latinx populations in urban and rural communities. She has collaborated with state and local agencies, community organizations, community advocates, and Indigenous nations to study/address COVID-19, child health, health behaviors, mental health, mass incarceration, and violence against women.
More recently, Dr. Malcoe has been a coordinating member of Transforming Justice, a collaborative effort of university faculty, filmmakers, youth and other community members to document and invigorate grassroots understandings of policing and criminalization of Black and Brown people/communities in Milwaukee. She co-edited the book, Critical Inquiries: Methods and Methodologies for Social Justice in Mental Health (University of Toronto Press, 2017), which presents methods for transforming mental health research to foster socially-just mental health practices. The book has been described as a “’why’ and ‘how’ guide to conducting research with people who have been marginalized in various ways, notably due to class, ethnicity, race, gender, psychiatric diagnosis, and sexual orientation.”
At the Zilber School, Dr. Malcoe teaches undergraduate and graduate courses that cover various methods, theories, concepts, and practical skills for eliminating systemic and structural barriers to optimal well-being for all. These courses include at the graduate level, Structures of Inequality and Population Health andEpidemiology in Action for Equity, and the undergraduate course, Public Health from Cells to Society II.
Representative publications
Mannor, K.M., Malcoe, L.H. (corresponding author) (in press). Uses of theory in racial health disparities research: a scoping review and application of public health critical race praxis. Annals of Epidemiology, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.annepidem.2021.11.007
Lynch, E.E., Malcoe, L.H., Laurent, S.E., Richardson, J., Mitchell, B.C., Meier, H.C.S. (2021). The legacy of structural racism: Associations between historic redlining, current mortgage lending, and health. Social Sci & Med — Population Health, 14:100793, 2021. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ssmph.2021.100793
St. Cyr, S., Jaramillo, E.T., Garrison, L., Malcoe, L.H., Shamblen, S.R., Willging, C.E. (2021). Intimate partner violence and structural violence in the lives of incarcerated women: A mixedâ€method study in rural New Mexico. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18, 6185. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph18126185
Wesp, L.M.1, Malcoe, L.H.,1 Elliott, A., & Poteat, T. (2019). Intersectionality research for transgender health justice: A theory-driven conceptual framework for structural analysis of transgender health inequities. Transgender Health, 4(1), 287—296. [1Co-first authors]https://www.liebertpub.com/doi/full/10.1089/trgh.2019.0039
Morrow, M. & Malcoe, L.H. (Eds.). (2017). Critical inquiries for social justice in mental health. University of Toronto Press.
Malcoe, L.H., & Morrow, M. (2017). Introduction: Science, social (in)justice, and mental health. In M. Morrow & L. H. Malcoe (Eds.), Critical inquiries for social justice in mental health. University of Toronto Press.
Chown, S., & Malcoe, L.H. (senior author). Intersectional perspectives on resilience in gay men’s health: implications for research and practice. In M. Morrow & L. H. Malcoe (Eds.), Critical inquiries for social justice in mental health. University of Toronto Press
Pedersen, J.S., Malcoe, L.H. (senior author), & Pulkingham, J. (2013). Explaining Aboriginal/non-Aboriginal inequalities in post-separation violence against Canadian women: Application of a structural violence approach. Violence against Women, 19(8), 1034—1058.
Gonzales, M.1, Malcoe, L.H.1, Myers, O.B., Espinoza, J. (2007) Risk factors for asthma and cough among Hispanic children in the southwestern United States of America, 2003-2004. Rev Panam Salud Pública/Pan Am J Public Health, 21(5), 274-281. [1Equal contributors]
Petersen, D.M., Minkler, M., Vásquez, V.B., Kegler, M.C., Malcoe, L.H., Whitecrow, S. (2007). Using community-based participatory research to shape policy and prevent lead exposure among Native American children. Progress in Community Health Partnerships: Research, Education, and Action, 1(3):249-256.
Goodkind JR, Gonzales M, Malcoe LH, Espinoza J. (2008). The Hispanic Women’s Social Stressor Scale: Understanding the multiple social stressors of U.S.- and Mexico-born Hispanic women. Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences, 30(2), 200-229.
Malcoe, L.H., Duran, B.M., & Montgomery, J.M. (2004). Socioeconomic disparities in intimate partner violence against Native American women: a cross-sectional study. BMC Medicine, 2(1), 20. http://www.biomedcentral.com/1741-7015/2/20
Malcoe, L.H., & Duran, B.M. (2004). Intimate partner violence and injury in the lives of low-income Native American women. In: B. Fisher (Ed.), Violence against women and family violence: Developments in research, practice, and policy. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Justice, National Criminal Justice Reference Service. NCJ 199703, https://www.ncjrs.gov/pdffiles1/nij/199701.pdf or https://www.ncjrs.gov/pdffiles1/nij/199701_sectionI.pdf
Kegler, M.C., & Malcoe, L.H. (corresponding author) (2004). Results from a lay health advisor intervention to prevent lead poisoning in Native American children. American Journal of Public Health, 94(10), 1730-1735.
Malcoe, L.H., Lynch, R.A., Kegler, M.C., & Skaggs V.J. (2002). Lead sources, behaviors, and socioeconomic factors in relation to blood lead of Native American and White children: a community-based assessment of a former mining area. Environmental Health Perspectives, 110(suppl 2: Advancing Environmental Justice Through Community-Based Participatory Research), 221-231.