Chris Cho

Chris C. Cho, MS

  • Associate Researcher, Statistician


MS Biostatistics, University of Illinois at Chicago 2005
Certificate of Business Fundamentals Business and Society, York University 2002
BA Business and Society, York University 2002

Interests & Expertise

Chris Cho’s area of expertise in biostatistics is in the use of advanced statistical methods for clustered and longitudinal data, with a particular emphasis on mixed-effects models. He also has extensive experience with categorical data analysis, especially with logistic regression and using this method to develop risk prediction tools. Cho has experience in the application of statistical methods to a diverse research settings, such as medical-cardiovascular, nursing, public health, behavioral health and education research, among others.

Selected Publications

Jahanian, O, Gaglio, A, Cho, Chris, Muqeet, V, Smith, Roger O., Morrow MMB, , Hsiao-Wecksler, E T., and Slavens, Brooke A. “Hand-rim biomechanics during geared manual wheelchair propulsion over different ground conditions in individuals with spinal cord injury.” Journal of biomechanics 142. (2022): 111235.

Baldwin, Erika, Heilmann, John J., Finneran, Denise, Cho, Chris, and Moyle, Maura. “Dialect Density, Language Abilities, and Emergent Literacy Skills of Prekindergarten Children Who Speak African American English.” Journal of Research in Reading 45.4 (2022): 567-586.

Steeves, Jeremy A., Bassett, D, Fitzhugh, E, Raynor, H, Cho, Chris, and Thompson, D L. “Physical activity with and without TV viewing: Effects on enjoyment of physical activity and TV, exercise self-efficacy, and barriers to being active in overweight adults.” Journal of Physical Activity and Health 13.4 (2016): 385-391.

Luo, Jake, Eldredge, Christina, Cho, Chris, and Cisler, Ron A. “Population Analysis of Adverse Events in Different Age Groups Using Big Clinical Trials Data.” JMIR Medical Informatics 4.4 (2016): e30.

Agarwal, A, Yousefzai, R, Jan, M F., Cho, Chris, Shetabi, K, Bush, M, Khandheria, B K., Paterick, T E., Treiber, S, Sra, J, Werner, P, Allaqaband, S, Bajwa, T, and Tajik, A J. “Clinical Application of WHF-MOGE(S) Classification for Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy.” Global Heart 10.3 (2015): 209-219.

Ayers, A M., Cho, Chris, Shearer, R, Jan, M, and Gupta, A. Stent Thrombosis: Regional Prevalence, Risk Factors, and Outcomes. 2. J Patient Cent Res Rev, 2015: 208-209.

Finlayson, M, Preissner, K K., and Cho, Chris. An exploratory investigation of the impact of co-morbidity on Fatigue Management Intervention outcomes among people with multiple sclerosis. 15. 2013: 21-26.

Mirza, M, Shen, W K., Tran, C, Jahangir, A, Sultan, S, Khan, U, Vigar, M, Cho, Chris, and Jahangir, A. “Frequent periodic leg movement is an unrecognized risk factor for progression of atrial fibrillation.” PloS One 8.10 (2013): e78359.

Finlayson, M, Preissner, K, and Cho, Chris. “Outcome moderators of a fatigue management program for people with multiple sclerosis.” American Journal of Occupational Therapy 66.2 (2012): 187-197.

Plow, M, Finlayson, M, and Cho, Chris. “Correlates of nutritional behavior in individuals with multiple sclerosis.” Disability and Health Journal 5.4 (2012): 284-291.

Finlayson, M, and Cho, Chris. “A profile of support group use and need among middle-aged and older adults with multiple sclerosis.” Journal of Gerontological Social Work 54.5 (2011): 475-493.

Plow, M, Finlayson, M, and Cho, Chris. “Correlates of stages of change for physical activity in adults with multiple sclerosis.” Research in Nursing & Health 34.5 (2011): 5378-5388.

Finlayson, M, Preissner, K, Cho, Chris, and Plow, M. “Randomized trial of a teleconference- delivered fatigue management program for people with multiple sclerosis.” Multiple Sclerosis 17.9 (2010): 1130-1140.

Finlayson, M, Cho, Chris, and Plow, M. “Use of physical therapy services among people aging with multiple sclerosis.” Journal of the American Physical Therapy Association 90.11 (2010): 1607-1618.

Plow, M, Finlayson, M, and Cho, Chris. “Utilization of health promotion and wellness services among middle-aged and older adults with multiple sclerosis.” Health Promotion International 25.3 (2010): 318-330.

Finlayson, M, Peterson, E, and Cho, Chris. “Findings of a pilot study exploring the potential of a fall risk management program for middle aged and older adults with MS.” Neurorehabilitation 25.2 (2009): 107-115.

Finlayson, M, Shevil, E, and Cho, Chris. “Perceptions of cognitive symptoms among persons aging with multiple sclerosis and their caregivers.” American Journal of Occupational Therapy 63. (2009): 151-159.

Finlayson, M, and Cho, Chris. “A descriptive profile of caregivers of older adults with MS and the assistance they provide.” Disability and Rehabilitation 30.4 (2008): 1848-1857.

Peterson, E W., Cho, Chris, von Koch, L, and Finlayson, M. “Injurious Falls among Middle Aged and Older Adults with Multiple Sclerosis.” Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 89. (2008): 1031-1037.

Finlayson, M, Garcia, J, and Cho, Chris. “Occupational therapy service use among people aging with multiple sclerosis.” American Journal of Occupational Therapy 62.3 (2008): 320-328.

Rauscher, G H., Demirtas, H, Cho, Chris, and Earp, J. “Adjusting for dropout in an intervention to reduce the Black-White gap in mammography use.” American Journal of Epidemiology 165.11 (2007): S61.

Cho, Chris, Oliva, J, Sweitzer, E, Nevarez, J, Zanoni, J, and Sokas, R. “An Interfaith workers’ center approach to workplace Rights: Implications for workplace.” Journal of Occupational and Occupational Medicine 49.3 (2007): 275-281.

Peterson, E, Cho, Chris, and Finlayson, M. “Fear of falling and associated activity curtailment among middle aged and older adults with multiple sclerosis.” Multiple Sclerosis 13. (2007): 1168-1175.

Finlayson, M, Peterson, L, and Cho, Chris. “Risk factors for falling among people aged 45 to 90 years with multiple sclerosis.” Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 87.9 (2006): 1274-1279.