Adrenn Francis Dacaney

  • Senior, Psychology major

Entering college amidst the chaotic backdrop of the COVID-19 pandemic meant that my first two years were spent immersed in the virtual realm. It was quite the adjustment, transitioning from the lively interactions of classroom banter to the solitude of computer screens. At first, it felt like trying to find my footing in a new world, and I'll admit, there were moments where procrastination got the better of me. But with determination and a bit of trial and error, I managed to stay afloat.

Then came the third year, and finally, I stepped back into the physical classroom. It was a bittersweet return, considering the long stretch of confinement, but being among peers again felt like a breath of fresh air. Now I stand on the brink of graduation with a sense of glorious purpose, with a Bachelor's Degree in Psychology within reach, it's surreal to think about how far I've come. There's a whirlwind of emotions – excitement, nostalgia, and a tinge of uncertainty – all mingling together. I will most likely be pursing my Master’s Degree here at UWM after I graduate!