World Archaeology: Foundations of Civilization

ancient ceramic pots with animal faces

Course Details

Department & Course Number ANTHRO 307, LEC 201
Class Number 62600
Course Type Undergrad/Grad (Milwaukee Campus)
Credits 3
Meets Requirements
Instructor Jean Hudson
Course Dates May 28 - June 22, 2024 (First 4-Week Session)

Learn about ancient cultures and compare their art, architecture, ideologies, politics, and social lives. Learn how archaeologists build their interpretations. International Requirement and Upper Level SS Breadth satisfied. Assignments due at the end of each week in a mix of maps, timelines, discussion posts and quizzes based on readings and powerpoint lectures. This is your summer tour of ancient civilizations and their early beginnings, and a chance to think about the diverse paths that human societies have taken.  Emphasis is on the Americas and Eurasia, and four important experiments that human cultures have made: domesticating plants and animals, settling down into villages, developing economic specializations and urban life, and negotiating the politics of social inequalities.

Course Syllabus (PDF)