Rewire Your Anxious Mind for Peace

Course Details

Department & Course Number SPT REC 298 295
Class Number 61905
Course Type Undergraduate (Milwaukee Campus)
Credits 2
Meets Requirements
Instructor Deborah Zarate
Course Dates June 24 - August 17, 2024 (8-week Session)
This online course is an experiential introduction to mindfulness meditation. You may have heard that mindfulness can help reduce anxiety. Science has found that neural pathways in the brain change in response to repeated experience and training. This ability to change is called neuroplasticity, and it is good news because “mental training” in the form of mindfulness meditation can help rewire the brain for greater well-being. We can shape our brains in a more intentional way by cultivating healthy mental habits, like mindfulness. Mindfulness meditation teaches us how to be present for and enjoy our lives. It is also a tool that can help us learn to skillfully and compassionately work with stressful thoughts, emotions, and sensations, as well as the fear and negative thinking that accompany these states of mind. In this course, besides learning the art and skill of mindfulness, we will also explore scientific research supporting its beneficial effects on physical and mental health and well-being.   Course Syllabus (PDF)