Introduction to Asian Religions

Course Details

Department & Course Number PHILOS 204, LEC 201
Class Number 61774
Course Type Undergraduate (College of General Studies)
Credits 3
Meets Requirements Humanities (HU)
Instructor Agust Magnusson
Course Dates June 24 - August 03, 2024 (Third 6-week Session)
The course will offer a philosophical examination of the primary religious traditions of Asia, with emphasis on Hinduism, Buddhism, Confucianism, and Taoism. The primary purpose of the course is to familiarize the student with the significant philosophical concepts of each religion and to engage with these traditions in a philosophical dialogue that enables us to understand their contributions to our understanding of the nature of the human self, the nature of reality, and the nature of the divine. Although we will examine differences between views and critique philosophical argumentation, there is no intention to disparage or endorse any particular belief system.   Course Syllabus (PDF)