Advertising in American Society

Course Details

Department & Course Number JAMS 214
Class Number 201
Course Type Undergraduate (Milwaukee Campus)
Credits 3
Meets Requirements Humanities (HU)
Instructor Joette Rockow
Course Dates July 22 - August 17, 2024 (Third 4-week Session)

Advertising is everywhere. From the social media we scroll through, to the shows we watch on television / streaming services, to the podcasts we listen to, to the streets we drive on, to the stadiums where we enjoy sporting events to concerts…advertising is filling up space. But it is often taken for granted. Something this ubiquitous has enormous effects on how people’s perceptions and how we think and behave. If advertising didn’t have positive effects for advertisers, companies wouldn’t spend billions of dollars on it every year. This course will take a look at the advertising phenomenon. What tactics do advertisers use to gain our attention and to elicit an action / reaction? What are the positive and negative impacts that advertising has on American society and its people. We’ll explore topics including sports advertising,  political ads, advertising to children, gender and racial messages in advertising, and much more. We’ll look at how advertisers use branding, metaphor, symbolism, emotional messaging, and other tactics to reach target audiences. Target audiences just like you and me.

Course Syllabus (PDF)