About the March on Milwaukee project
The March on Milwaukee Civil Rights History Project supports understanding of the struggle for racial equality by helping users discover primary sources and other educational materials from the collections of the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Libraries and the Wisconsin Historical Society. The digital collection includes the selected papers of individuals representing a variety of positions on the civil rights issue, photographs, unedited footage from the WTMJ-TV news film archives, and oral history interviews capturing the recollections and perspectives of individuals who participated in the movement. The collection also includes contextual materials, such as brief explanations of relevant people, places, events, and organizations; a timeline; a bibliography of relevant published sources; and maps highlighting important locations.
The materials reproduced in this digital collection are only a selection of the primary sources documenting Milwaukee’s civil rights history held by the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Libraries and the Wisconsin Historical Society. Researchers should not assume a one-to-one correspondence between digital folders and their counterparts in physical collections.
Project staff selected the primary sources included in this collection for their completeness, legibility, and historical importance. To the best of our knowledge, we included only materials for which we hold copyright, for which we have secured the permission of other copyright holders, or that we have identified as copyright orphaned works. We welcome additional information concerning the copyright status of sources reproduced in this collection.
About the March on Milwaukee digital library structure
The March on Milwaukee digital library has search features on every page to facilitate information search. The home page has a simple search feature for March on Milwaukee that lets you search by keyword.
The search results page includes simple, new and advanced search features.
The About page describes what the March on Milwaukee digital collections contains.
The Key Terms page includes a list of important topics related to March on Milwaukee, along with a brief description of these topics.
The Browse page includes links to important topics that relate to March on Milwaukee.
The Timeline and Map features are primarily visual features that are not compatible with screen readers.
The Bibliography feature lists primary sources, secondary sources, and websites where information was acquired for the March on Milwaukee digital collections.
The Citation Guide provides different examples of citations for online documents, photographs, oral history interviews, and news film clips for items found in March on Milwaukee.
Team Members 2010
- Jasmine Alinder
- Associate Professor, History Department
- Trevor Berman
- Undergraduate student, History Department
- Dale Bryant
- Graduate student, School of Information Studies
- Michael Doylen
- Archives Department Head, Libraries
- Ellen Engseth
- Archivist, Libraries
- Nick Kane
- Graduate student, School of Information Studies
- Christel Maass
- Archivist, Libraries
- Krystyna Matusiak
- Digital Librarian, Libraries
- Ling Meng
- Digital Imaging Specialist, Libraries
- Erica Metcalfe
- Graduate student, Public History
- Jessica Neal
- Graduate student, School of Information Studies
- Keia Wegner
- Graduate student, Public History
- Lucas Wolff
- Undergraduate student, History Department
- Adrian Zink
- Graduate student, Public History
Team Members 2016
- Eliza Bettinger
- GIS Specialist, Libraries
- Tim Cary
- Project Archivist, Libraries
- Jie Chen
- Digital Collections Application Specialist, Libraries
- Michael Doylen
- Assistant Director of Libraries/Archives Department Head, Libraries
- Ann Hanlon
- Digital Collections and Initiatives Department Head, Libraries
- Charles Hosale
- Project Archivist, Libraries
- Ling Meng
- Digital Imaging Specialist, Libraries
Financial support for the project was generously provided by the following:
- Friends of the Golda Meir Library
- Margaret and John Flessas Memorial Fund
- The Jewish Community Foundation of the Milwaukee Jewish Federation
- University of Wisconsin Milwaukee Cultures and Communities Program
- University of Wisconsin Milwaukee Office of Undergraduate Research
The following partners contributed collections, expertise, and their valuable time:
- Arts @ Large
- Milwaukee Public Library
- University of Wisconsin Milwaukee History Department
- University of Wisconsin Milwaukee Public History Program
- Wisconsin Historical Society
Many of the primary sources reproduced in this digital collection are the property of the Wisconsin Historical Society (WHS) placed on deposit at the Milwaukee Area Research Center of the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Archives. We are grateful to the WHS for extending permission to include those sources.
Recipient of the 2011 Governor’s Award for Archival Achievement, which is sponsored by the Wisconsin Historical Records Advisory Board and the Wisconsin Historical Society. This annual award recognizes outstanding work in historical records preservation and access in Wisconsin.
Recipient of the American Association of State and Local History 2011 Award of Merit, which recognizes standards of excellence in the collection, preservation, and interpretation of state and local history in order to make the past more meaningful to all Americans.
Recipient of the Society of American Archivists 2011 Philip M. Hamer and Elizabeth Hamer Kegan Award, which recognizes outstanding efforts to increase public awareness of archival documents for educational, instructional, or other purposes.