Wisconsin Department of Transportation’s (WisDOT’s) Enterprise Data Services (EDS) Section is responsible for coordinating data management and governance activities across the agency. However, significant data resources are also managed by vendors or WisDOT business areas in other siloed database and file systems in-house, at vendor sites, or in the cloud. While there are advantages to WisDOT’s decentralized approach to data management and access, without a robust data catalog and implemented data governance this decentralized approach can hinder data discovery, understanding, and integration, as well as consistent data driven decision-making. The objectives of this project are to explore and provide an implementation-ready WisDOT Data Inventory that documents the structure, quality, definitions, and usage of WisDOT data. The ultimate goal of the results of this project is to help provide a single source for current metadata, reduce data silos, improve analytics, and improve discovery.
Project Documents
Project Details
Project ID
Start Date
January 15, 2021
End Date
December 31, 2021
Focus Areas
Data Analytics, Modeling and Simulation
Wi Department of Transportation
Research Centers
Institute for Physical Infrastructure and Transportation (IPIT)
Principal Investigator
Graettinger, Andrew J
Professor, Associate Dean for Research
Co-Principal Investigator