Durability and Sustainability of Transportation Infrastructure
IPIT is leveraging innovative technology through the Center for By-products Utilization and expertise in fatigue & fracture mechanics, nondestructive testing and evaluation, structural health monitoring and high-performance construction materials. IPIT is tirelessly exploring solutions to increase durability and life of transportation infrastructure, and reduce the carbon footprint and the materials required to support the transportation system.
Urban Mobility
Facing the state’s complex mobility issues and challenges, especially in southeastern Wisconsin, IPIT’s experts rely on technology and innovation to customize strategies and solutions for different agencies. Our research expertise includes traffic congestion mitigation, integrated urban corridors design and management, public transportation network design and optimization, mobility for the elderly and disabilities, and mobility as a service.
IPIT is home to national leaders in transportation safety. Their expertise in safety planning, design, evaluation and analysis for all road users is instrumental to supporting decision-making on safety investments and improvements. The research led by IPIT experts at the Safe and Smart Traffic Lab and Urban Planning in highway safety and pedestrian and bicyclist safety helps guide the national agenda on safety research and practices.
Economy and Policy
IPIT experts from urban planning, economics and the Lubar Business School are tackling challenges in transportation land use, employment, economics, finance and policies. Deeply rooted in Wisconsin communities, our multidisciplinary team will take a holistic approach to help policy and decision-makers identify, prioritize and implement projects and programs based on robust cost-benefit analyses.
Data Analytics, Modeling, Simulation and Sensing Technologies
With expertise in data analytics, modeling and sensing technologies, IPIT experts are developing real-time traffic and infrastructure monitoring systems. They’re also evaluating new and emerging technologies to ensure safe, efficient and reliable passenger and freight movement. Through close collaboration with the Data Science Institute, we are leveraging powerful machine learning techniques and artificial intelligence with our domain knowledge to solve the most pressing transportation problems.
Education and Outreach
IPIT connects people with passion, interests and knowledge on physical infrastructure and transportation. It also offers professional development for the current transportation workforce, supports career-building activities that help students transition from school to work, and prepares the future workforce by cultivating interests in solving transportation problems at the pre-collegiate level.