In 2019, a pilot program to streamline the delivery and oversight of low-risk local bridge projects was initiated by the Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT) in consultation with the Wisconsin County Highway Association (WCHA). The focus of this new program is on projects that are expected to have little or no real estate, utility, railroad, or environmental issues. An assessment of this pilot program is needed to determine its effectiveness before it is implemented on a wider scale and expanded to other similar local government projects.
The overall objective of this work order is to evaluate the pilot program and make recommendations for possible modifications and expansion to other areas of the local assistance program.

Project Documents

Project Details

Project ID


Start Date
January 15, 2021

End Date
December 31, 2021

Focus Areas
Durability and Sustainability
Economy and Policy

Wi Dept Of Transportation

Research Centers
Institute for Physical Infrastructure and Transportation (IPIT)

Principal Investigator

Tabatabai, Habib
Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering

Co-Principal Investigator

Qin, Xiao
Lawrence E. Sivak '71 Professorship Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering
Director, Institute for Physical Infrastructure and Transportation (IPIT)
Founder and Director, Safe and Smart Traffic Lab