On July 3, 2019, Governor Evers signed Act 9, which created Section 84.06(2) of the Wisconsin Statutes, related to alternative contract delivery. This statute directed the Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT) to administer an alternative project delivery pilot program consisting of not more than six projects. At least one of the projects must be delivered using each of the following methods: (a) low bid design build, (b) best value design build, and (c) fixed-fee variable scope design build. The first three projects selected for the pilot program by WisDOT include two best value and one low bid project.
The objective of this research project is to conduct a third-party evaluation of WisDOT’s design build pilot program. The research study will review peer state programs, national best practices, the department’s project selection and qualification/proposal evaluation processes, and provide a full report with recommendations for process improvement. The third-party evaluation will also establish criteria that WisDOT may use for on-going performance/evaluation of the alternative delivery program.
Project Documents
Project Details
Start Date
December 1, 2021
End Date
November 30, 2022
Focus Areas
Data Analytics, Modeling and Simulation
Economy and Policy
US Dept Of Transportation
Wi Dept Of Transportation
Research Centers
Institute for Physical Infrastructure and Transportation (IPIT)
Principal Investigator
Qin, Xiao
Director, Institute for Physical Infrastructure and Transportation (IPIT)
Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Co-Principal Investigator
Gottlieb, Mark; Solverson, Scott
Associate Director, Institute for Physical Infrastructure and Transportation (IPIT)
Research Scientist, Institute for Physical Infrastructure and Transportation (IPIT)