Meeting Agendas & Minutes

Coordination and Community Engagement Subcommittee

Meeting (May 13nd, 2024):



  1. Overview of goals/purpose of project
    • Establish permanent and temporary count locations 
    • Evaluate counting technologies 
    • Create Wisconsin Non-Motorist Counting Guide 
    • Meet other needs identified by TAC 
  2. Project timeline
    • Receive recommendations from TAC by June 2024 
    • Complete data collection by September 2025 
  3. Committee goals/tasks 
    • Identify potential partnerships 
    • Establish methods/frequency/documentation of communication 
    • Site selection 
    • Other? 
  4. Committee timeline 
  5. Discuss how the subcommittees will report progress and the way they work with (expectations from) research team
  6. Questions?
Meeting Minute


UW-Milwaukee: Yang Li, Xiao Qin 

TAC:  Michelle Brokaw, Matt Gast, Andrew Levy, Amber Yan, Andi Bill 



  1. Overview of goals/purpose of project
    • Establish permanent and temporary count locations 
    • Evaluate counting technologies 
    • Create Wisconsin Non-Motorist Counting Guide 
    • Meet other needs identified by TAC 
      • None identified by committee
  2. Project timeline
    • Receive recommendations from TAC by June 2024 
    • Complete data collection by September 2025 
  3. Committee goals/tasks 
    • Identify potential partnerships
      • Partners
        • MPO/RPC/WisDOT conference October 2024 – Dave Mack 
        • LTAP Local Technical Assistance Program – Andi Bill 
        • City of Madison – Renee Callaway 
        • City of Milwaukee – Mike Amsden 
        • DNR trail counts – Andi Bill 
        • UW Madison Campus Transportation – Chuck Strawser  
        • Wisconsin Chapter of APBP – quarterly meetings
      • Informed
        • Wisconsin Bike Fed – Jake Newborn 
        • WiNDAC – Ethan Severson 
      • Resources
        • MNDOT 
        • TXDOT 
        • NCDOT 
    • Establish methods/frequency/documentation of communication
      • Conferences and meetings identified previously 
      • Concern about emails not drawing attention 
      • Recommendation to focus on using website 
      • Recommendation to include sign-up for updates option on website 
      • Consider establishing an annual meeting for partners that are conducting counts (hold in late winter/early spring like February, before count season begins) 
    • Site selection
      • Guidance provided regarding locations (copied below) 
      • Also consider special events 
        • Hank Aaron State Trail 5K, candle light walk (short-term) 
      • STH 26 (shared use path on Janesville to Watertown segment) 
      • La Crosse near downtown 
      • National Ave (permanent) 
      • Lake Dr. Shorewood (temporary) 
      • Recommend reviewing count locations within WisDOT’s GIS Resources for equity and appropriate stratification 
    • Other? 
  4. Committee timeline
    • Research team to setup project milestones
      • Project website launch 
      • Counter purchase 
      • Presentations 
      • Next subcommittee meeting in July
        • Updates and prep for August 19 TRCC meeting 
  5. Discuss how the subcommittees will report progress and the way they work with (expectations from) research team
    • Monthly updates to Amber Yan – Bullet points 
      • Amber will pass updates on to TAC 
    • Quarterly official updates to Mike Schwendau
  6. Questions?
    • Request for project description for introductory email to potential partners

Permanent Count

  • Downtown zones    • Urban neighborhood commercial streets 
  • Major parks          • Mixed residential/industrial sectors 

Temporary Count

  • # of counts: 30 to 50 
  • Count periods: aligned with the dates specified in the National Bicycle and Pedestrian Documentation Project (NBPDP) 
    • May and/or September 
    • July and January 
    • Tuesdays, Wednesdays, or Thursdays, from 4-6pm; 12-2pm on Saturdays 

Technical Support Subcommittee

Meeting (May 23nd, 2024):



  1. Overview of goals/purpose of project
    • Establish permanent and temporary count locations 
    • Evaluate counting technologies 
    • Create Wisconsin Non-Motorist Counting Guide 
    • Meet other needs identified by TAC 
  2. Project timeline
    • Receive recommendations from TAC by June 2024 
    • Complete data collection by September 2025 
  3. Committee goals/tasks 
    • Provide recommendations/guidance on count devices 
    • Establish protocols & QA/QC for data collection 
    • Site selection 
    • Count timing 
    • Provide strategies for handling data anomalies 
    • Other? 
  4. Committee timeline 
  5. Discuss how the subcommittees will report progress and the way they work with (expectations from) research team
  6. Questions?
Meeting Minute


  1. Overview of goals/purpose of project
    • Establish a baseline for bicycle/pedestrian facility use  
    • Exposure/risk  
    • Before/after studies
      • Safety 
      • Willingness to use a facility after improvements are made 
    • Estimate growth
      • Due to development (land use changes) 
        • Could this be incorporated into the TIA process? 
      • Cultural changes 
    • Predict changes due to weather/season/time of day/day of week 
    • Look at origin/destination trends
      • Identifying existing land uses that could lead to higher walking origins/destinations to determine where to get counts (incorporate into site selection) 
      • Others?
  2. Overview of goals/purpose of project
    • Establish permanent and temporary count locations
      • Is this starting as a SE pilot? Would we take the experience from the pilot and apply it statewide? UWM said yes. 
      • WisDOT has a system for conducting traffic counts that could potentially be transferred to bike/ped counts.  
      • Programming bike/ped counts would require money allocated. This could be a challenge. 
      • Can we incorporate data from existing count stations? Kevin knows of locations in Madison. Brian suggested using crowdsourced data. 
        • UWM has another project funded by TSCC exploring the use of crowdsourced data (Strava and Streetlight). They will try to integrate this data together and create a standardized database. 
    • Evaluate counting technologies
      • Mio Vision – $150 per lane for 48 hour count 
        • These cameras have the ability to count bikes/pedestrians, can count bicyclists and pedestrians separately 
        • Not sure how they count scooters 
        • More interested in the type of technology than specific technology providers. Could be the computer vision based or can be infrared or radio. 
    • Create Wisconsin Non-Motorist Counting Guide 
      • Gather feedback regarding what a guide should contain 
      • Create technical recommendations to develop a full guide 
    • Establish database for count data including temporary, permanent and crowdsourced counts 
      • More of a focus in the data management group 
      • Suggest contacting Rob Aurit to request somebody from the data management section attend TAC meetings for the data management sub committee. 
    • Meet other needs identified by TAC
      • Goal is to use count data statewide 
        • Important to look at rural areas because this makes up a large part of Wisconsin’s geography. In particular, WisDOT would like to see counts in small towns on state highways. 
        • Do we have a list of towns with certain populations? This probably exists somewhere.  
          • Who can track this down? Could potentially talk to Andrew Levy, Mark Niedzwiecki, or Tony Good.  
          • It might not be worth looking at this unless it’s going to be a factor in how we expand the data 
            • Maybe use number of lanes or building type? 
            • Consider using population density 
            • Account for different types of facilities when choosing sites to do counts at 
  3. Project timeline
    • Receive recommendations from TAC by June 2024 
    • Complete data collection by September 2025
  4. Committee goals/tasks 
    • Provide recommendations/guidance on count devices 
      • UWM is currently looking at: 
        • 2 Eco Counter Mobile Multi units (for temporary counts) 
        • 1-2 Viva sensors (for permanent counts with automated counting and classification capacity) 
        • 1 Axis camera (for permanent counts and will be utilized to test our in-house algorithm for counting and classification) 
      • WisDOT has previously asked consultants to decide which technology to use as long as they collect the required counts 
        • WisDOT could tell consultants about lessons learned 
      • Brent has seen the following technology used: Mio Vision cameras, Count Cam cameras, TADI has in-house cameras, OD Data has in-house cameras 
        • Any of these options would be more effective than sending out a staff member to do counts 
    • Establish protocols & QA/QC for data collection 
      • Cameras need lighting systems built in or there needs to be lighting available 
      • Temporary count duration should probably be a minimum of 1 week (including weekends) 
      • Consider special events 
        • Could be good to get counts during large events but probably want to compare it to counts outside of the event times 
        • A challenge with QA/QC with infrared is aligning it with movements that people actually make 
    • Site selection 
      • Select for safety, urban, rural, etc. 
      • Different facility types 
    • Count timing 
    • Provide strategies for handling data anomalies 
    • Other? 
  5. Committee timeline 
    • Research team to setup project milestones 
      • Project website launch 
      • Counter purchase 
      • Presentations 
      • Next subcommittee meeting end of June 
  6. Discuss how the subcommittees will report progress and the way they work with (expectations from) research team 
    • Monthly updates to Amber Yan – Bullet points 
      • Amber will pass updates on to TAC 
    • Quarterly official updates to Mike Schwendau 
  7. Questions? 
    • What literature review have UWM done or plan to do as part of this project? 
  8. Follow-up: 
    • Send FHWA Talking Traffic Webinar on Micromobility Data Gathering and Reporting Specification Updates from Brent to TAC 
    • UWM to summarize some of the information from the literature review 

Site selection guidance: 

  • Permanent Count 
    • Downtown zones  
    • Urban neighborhood commercial streets 
    • Major parks  
    • Mixed residential/industrial sectors 
  • Temporary Count 
    • # of counts: 30 to 50 
    • Count periods: aligned with the dates specified in the National Bicycle and Pedestrian Documentation Project (NBPDP) 
      • May and/or September 
      • July and January 
      • Tuesdays, Wednesdays, or Thursdays, from 4-6pm; 12-2pm on Saturdays 

Data Management Subcommittee

Meeting (May 23rd, 2024):



  1. Overview of goals/purpose of project
    • Establish permanent and temporary count locations 
    • Evaluate counting technologies 
    • Create Wisconsin Non-Motorist Counting Guide 
    • Meet other needs identified by TAC 
  2. Project timeline
    • Receive recommendations from TAC by June 2024 
    • Complete data collection by September 2025 
  3. Committee goals/tasks 
    • Create clear list of data to be collected 
    • Procedures/protocols for data collection  
    • Work with UWM to establish an IPIT website
      • Future data sharing 
      • Visualization 
      • Update the progress of the project and communicate with the TAC 
    • Establish methodologies for processing data 
    • Other? 
  4. Committee timeline 
  5. Discuss how the subcommittees will report progress and the way they work with (expectations from) research team
  6. Questions?
Meeting Minute


  1. Overview of goals/purpose of project
    • Establish a baseline for bicycle/pedestrian facility use  
    • Exposure/risk  
    • Before/after studies
      • Safety 
      • Willingness to use a facility after improvements are made 
    • Estimate growth
    • Predict changes due to weather/season/time of day/day of week 
    • Look at origin/destination trends
    • Others?
  2. Overview of goals/purpose of project
    • Establish permanent and temporary count locations 
    • Evaluate counting technologies 
    • Create Wisconsin Non-Motorist Counting Guide 
      • Who is the audience 
      • Intent is not to develop a full guide with this project but eventually could apply to all audiences interested in a count program 
      • Change language to “recommendations” 
      • Need to be clear about methods (such as distance counts were taken from a crosswalk) 
    • Meet other needs identified by TAC
      • Tie into WisDOT turning movement count databases/project
  3. Project timeline
    • Receive recommendations from TAC by June 2024 
    • Complete data collection by September 2025
      • Full report should be ready by September 2025, count data will be collected by June/July 2025 
      • Will report to TRCC meeting quarterly 
      • Presentation will be given at governor’s office of highway safety conference 2025
  4. Committee goals/tasks 
    • Create clear list of data to be collected 
      • Bikes/pedestrians/other micromobility 
        • Combined
        • Separated
      • Dates/times
      • Location
      • Weather
      • Infrastructure type (sidewalk, shared-use path, bike lane, etc.) 
      • Other infrastructure qualities
        • RRFB 
          • Whether or not it was being used?
        • High vis crosswalk markings
      • Type of count  
        • Screenline  
        • Intersection  
        • Trail  
        • Midblock crossings 
        • Include test locations where intersections and midblock are counted near each other 
          • Potentially where safety changes are going to be made 
          • Where streets are going to be pedestrianized 
        • Pedestrian level of stress and bike level of stress 
        • School zones 
        • Transit 
        • Safe Systems Approach excel worksheet 
          • Different from systemic safety approach 
        • For manual/video counts – bike/ped characteristics
          • Concerns about privacy issues 
          • Age 
          • Disability status 
        • Other site conditions: 
          • AADT 
            • Could we use context classification? 
          • Dimension of intersection 
            • Length of crosswalk 
          • Signals 
          • Curb extensions 
          • Walk signal available? 
          • Building setbacks? Other obstructions near the intersection? 
        • Bob provided list of data to be collected – see last page of this document 
    • Procedures/protocols for data collection  
      • UWM is looking at potentially crowdsourcing data 
      • Permanent sites:  
      • Temporary sites: 
        • 2-week counts are recommended
          • Counters might not be able to store this much data 
          • 20-30 locations need to be counted, might not have enough time to achieve this 
          • Manual checks are limited to a short number of hours 
        • What geographic spread are we looking for? 
        • WisDOT and SEWRPC use Eco Counter Pyro Box which uses infrared 
          • Boxes are moved to a different location ever two weeks 
      • UWM is planning on ordering Eco Counter Mobile Multi Units, Viva sensors and Axis camera  
    • Site selection
      • Select for safety, urban, rural, etc. 
      • Different facility types
    • Work with UWM to establish an IPIT website
      • Future data sharing
        • To be used for sharing data as well as uploading data 
          • Users will be certified
        • It should be possible to download data 
          • Excel spreadsheet 
          • Shapefile 
        • Visualization
          • Map
        • Update the progress of the project and communicate with the TAC 
    • Establish methodologies for processing data 
    • Other? 
      • Suggested locations for count sites 
        • UW-Stevens Point – includes a signalized and unsignalized crossing, they are currently exploring a road diet, connect with David Meurett for additional information 
  5. Committee timeline
    • Research team to setup project milestones
      • Project website launch 
      • Counter purchase 
      • Presentations 
      • Next subcommittee meeting end of June
  6. Discuss how the subcommittees will report progress and the way they work with (expectations from) research team
    • Monthly updates to Amber Yan – Bullet points
      • Amber will pass updates on to TAC 
    • Quarterly official updates to Mike Schwendau 
  7. Questions? 

Data to be Collected

  • Location ID 
  • Count ID 
  • ID 
  • Organization performing count 
  • Location name 
  • City 
  • WisDOT region 
  • Year 
  • Types of data collected during session 
  • State FIPS code 
  • County FIPS code 
  • Station ID 
  • Roadway classification 
  • Direction of route 
  • Location relative to roadway 
  • Direction of movement 
  • Facility type 
  • Type of count represented in data row 
  • Method of counting 
  • Latitude 
  • Longitude 
  • Month 
  • Date 
  • Duration 
  • Interval 
  • Day of week 
  • Time of week 
  • Time of day 
  • Weather 
  • Precipitation 
  • Total user count during count period 
  • Total hours counted 
  • Users/hour 
  • Hour to week expansion factors 
  • Hour to week average expansion factor 
  • Week to year expansion factor 
  • Estimated annual user volume 
  • Notes