Pilot Wisconsin Pedestrian and Bicycle Count Program (Project Overview)

Meeting Agendas & Minutes


TAC Org Chart

Roles and Responsibilities

  1. TAC Chair is essential for leading the Technical Advisory Committee, setting meeting agendas, coordinating discussions, and ensuring the alignment of subcommittee activities with overall project goals. This role involves facilitating communication among subcommittees and between the committee and external stakeholders, synthesizing subcommittee outputs into actionable strategies, and representing the committee in all external communications. Effective leadership, organization, and diplomatic skills are crucial for the TAC Chair to manage diverse perspectives and drive the project forward effectively.
  2. Coordination and Community Engagement Subcommittee is to ensure effective communication and collaboration between the project team, stakeholders, and the broader community. Its key responsibilities include:
    • Help foster partnerships with local communities, city, county, and/or region to support project initiatives and leverage local resources (identifying points of contact and initiating communications, etc.).
    • Collecting and synthesizing community and stakeholder feedback to guide project decisions and adjustments, including specific needs for pedestrian and bicycle counting.
  3. Technical Support Subcommittee focuses on the technical aspects of the pedestrian and bicycle count program, ensuring that all technological and methodological approaches are up to date, effective, and capable of meeting the expectations of stakeholders. It provides recommendations and guidance on various technologies to support the technical aspects, including:
    • Count devices, considering factors, like accuracy, cost, reliability, and ease of use.
    • Protocols and quality control measures for data collection, including validation, calibration, and quality assurance/quality control.
    • Methodologies for data collection, including selecting locations for device installation, timing for counts, and strategies for handling data anomalies in different urban and rural contexts within Wisconsin.
  4. Data Management Subcommittee is to oversee the proper collection, storage, processing, and dissemination of data to ensure its accuracy, confidentiality, and value to the project. It offers insights and supports the operational aspects of data handling but also ensures that data-driven insights can be effectively used to influence project outcomes and future strategies:
    • Data collection protocols on standardized procedures for data collection to ensure consistency and reliability across different sites and times.
    • Robust and secure data storage system that complies with legal and ethical standards.
    • Methodologies for effectively processing large datasets to derive usable information (data QA/QC).
    • Future planning and scalability for broader initiatives.


TAC Chair

Amber Yan

Coordination and Community Engagement Subcommittee


Michelle Brokaw

Andrew J Levy

David Meurett

Matthew Gast

Technical Support Subcommittee

Brent C DesRoches

Carl Glasemeyer

Kevin MScopoline (BTO)

Brian S Porter

Data Management Subcommittee

Alena DeGrado

Daniel J Brugman

Joseph Delmagori

Michael J Schwendau

Marissa Meyer