In late September we gathered at the Hefter Center for the 31st annual Lurie Awards Ceremony. We welcomed Lois Lurie and her family, the new Dean of Letters &Science, Scott Gronert, Associate Dean Lubar School of Business Purush Papatla and Chancellor Mark Mone.
The 21st Melvin Lurie Labor-Management Cooperation Prize was presented to Adrienne Eaton. Adrienne is Professor and Dean of the School of Management and Labor Relations at Rutgers University. An expert on labor-management cooperation, she provided an update of the major efforts at cooperation around the country (many of which she has studied in-depth). She isolated the challenges of such efforts and the potential gains. We benefited from her years of studying the subject and thank her for joining us.
As always, we thank the Lurie family and all the many contributors that have allowed us to recognize truly outstanding individuals and organizations for so many years. Come join us next year!