Alternative Work Patterns Policy

  • Date:
  • 1993 (Approved)
  • Responsible Party:
  • Department of Human Resources

  1. Introduction

    Recognizing the need to further the interests of greater participation in our workforce, of all citizens, by maximizing the number of employment options available, to improve employee morale and productivity, and to more economically and efficiently utilize existing resources, the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee will make every reasonable effort to approve written requests of its employees for alternative work patterns whenever appropriate and in a manner consistent with the operational needs and provisions of this plan. This policy shall cover both classified and unclassified staff categories of employment and shall be subject to appropriate collective bargaining agreements.

  2. Definitions

    Alternative Work Patterns are those hours that vary or deviate from the standard work hours of the institution. Alternative work patterns may include flexible time, nonstandard work week employment, part-time employment job sharing or other patterns that may be developed.

    Flexible Time is defined as a work schedule structure requiring that all employees be in work status during a specific number of core hours or days, with scheduling flexibility allowed for beginning and ending times surrounding those core hours or days.

    Permanent Part-time Employment means employment of a continuous, recurring nature that requires the service of an employee for 600 hours or more annually.

    Job Sharing means the breaking down of one full-time position into one or more part-time positions.

  3. Alternative Schedule Requests

    Employees must make alternative schedule requests through their supervisors, who must respond within fourteen (14) calendar days. The decision must take into account the operational needs of the department and is subject to final approval by the Dean or Division Head.

  • Related Documents
  • Contact Information

    For information about the operation of this policy, contact the Human Resources Business Partner for your respective School, College, Division or Department, or the Department of Human Resources.

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