UWM Underground: The Art of Denis Kitchen

Mitchell Hall 3203 North Downer Ave, Milwaukee, WI, United States

"UWM Underground: The Art of Denis Kitchen" takes a broad look at Denis Kitchen (b. 1946), a cartoonist and seminal figure in American comics. We follow him from his undergraduate days here at UW-Milwaukee as a budding illustrator through struggles …

UWM Indoor Triathlon

Klotsche Center 3409 North Downer Ave, Milwaukee, WI, United States

Grab your goggles, hop on a bike and lace up your running shoes! UREC is excited to announce our first extended-period triathlon. From Feb. 10-21, you’ll be able to log distances indoors using UREC equipment and facilities. Triathlon entrants will receive …

Kickapoo Valley Reserve Winter Ranch

Klotsche Center 3409 North Downer Ave, Milwaukee, WI, United States

Trip Dates: Feb. 21 3 p.m. departure — Feb. 23 7:30 p.m. return to campus Outdoor Pursuits is driving three hours to La Farge, Wisconsin, to spend two nights at a 100-year-old, active cattle ranch. We'll spend the weekend exploring …

Outdoor Ice Skating

Klotsche Center 3409 North Downer Ave, Milwaukee, WI, United States

Lace up your skates, grab your mittens and get ready for a spin around Milwaukee’s outdoor ice rink, Red Arrow Park! Join Outdoor Pursuits as we carve up a night of fun in the heart of the city. Transportation and …

Event Series Learn to Cross Country Ski

Learn to Cross-Country Ski

Klotsche Center 3409 North Downer Ave, Milwaukee, WI, United States

Looking to learn how to or improve your cross-country skiing? Destination will be either Scuppernong Springs Nature Trails or Lapham Peak. Enjoy a classic winter experience and get out in the snow with others! Transportation, equipment, trail pass and instruction …

Event Series Learn to Cross Country Ski

Learn to Cross-Country Ski

Klotsche Center 3409 North Downer Ave, Milwaukee, WI, United States

Looking to learn how to or improve your cross-country skiing? Destination will be either Scuppernong Springs Nature Trails or Lapham Peak. Enjoy a classic winter experience and get out in the snow with others! Transportation, equipment, trail pass and instruction …

Geek Week Geocaching

Klotsche Center 3409 North Downer Ave, Milwaukee, WI, United States

You're never too old for a real-life treasure hunt! Try geocaching with us, an outdoor activity that combines walking and using a tech-aided treasure hunting app. Navigating with maps and geolocation has never been this exciting. We will walk as …

Event Series Stand Up Paddleboard Yoga

Stand Up Paddleboard Yoga

Klotsche Center 3409 North Downer Ave, Milwaukee, WI, United States

Outdoor Pursuits has joined forces with Group X to provide a stand up paddleboard yoga class in the Klotsche Center Pool! Our Group X yoga instructors will guide the class through a beginner yoga sequence. First-timers and returners are welcome, …

Learn to Belay

Klotsche Center 3409 North Downer Ave, Milwaukee, WI, United States

Belaying is a rock-climbing term that describes how one person (the belayer) uses a device, climbing harness and rope to assist another person (the rock climber) up and down a rock-climbing wall. This is not a certification, just an intro …