Russell Anderson


Russell Anderson


Russell is a Graphic Design student at UW-Milwaukee. His design experience has been mostly working at in-house in house position. Russell currently works for UWM’s University Recreation Department on the Marketing and Promotion Team. His position requires him to produce all of the design and advertising content for any marketing needs. During the summer of 2018,
Russell worked as a graphic designer for Stone Creek Coffee. His role required me to create various branding and design work for product launches and in-store promotional work. Russell has ambitions to apply his creative skills to extend over just advertising and marketing after his graduation in the year 2020.

Design Team

Xavier Whitford, Published Author

Makaya Corral, Occupational Studies Student at UWM

Ben Gartland, Engineering Student at UWM

High School

Johnsburg High School


The purpose of Nym is to break down the various anxieties one might have for reaching out for mental health treatment. As society becomes more aware of the importance of mental health, we must provide products and services to aid people in this field. One common setback is the process of getting help. It can be very troublesome for people who have their fears about finding a solution that they are comfortable with. Through using anonymity as a catalyst, we can eliminate the pain points for individuals that have anxiety about getting help.

The Nym application is made to have users interact with mental health professionals and groups without them knowing who you are. Only until the user chooses to meet with the mental health
group or professional is when they reveal who they are. The goal is to provide a worry free experience for the user.


Our mission is to connect others with the best mental health practitioners that fit their needs.


To aid people in finding a mental health solution that works best for them.



