Logan Reichenberger

Logan Reichenberger



Logan Reichenberger is a senior Design and Visual Communication student at the University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee who believes and practices in the magic of design. Magic, to Logan, is the culmination of creativity, aesthetics, and experimentation all poured into one important word that embodies his whole design process.

He prides himself on learning via doing. Whether it be his past internship as a Visual Display Coordinator or his graphic design internship for the Student Success Center on campus in Milwaukee, he is always learning, experimenting, and conjuring up a creative solution to any problem.

In his free time, Logan likes to obsess over his Instagram and photography, study street fashion, write for LCAL his creative blog, and spend time with his family and two dogs.

With his future design career right around the corner, he sees himself creating beautiful, bright, exciting things that enrich, help, and change the lives of others. Everything has thought put into it, and he believes that it is his mission to create beautiful, useful things that have just the right streak of magic that everyone needs.

Design Team

Megan Bartelt & Corinne Rathbun of Bartelt Acupuncture
Mallori Reichenberger, Sister & Research Demographic
Cassidy Cole, Design Student Consultant

High School

Oshkosh West High School



Ceres is an app designed to help you transition into vegetarianism. It will help you swap meals, journal your feelings and habits, and will keep you on track with daily progress updates. By creating a new lifestyle, Ceres will help you bring your diet back down to Earth.


Our mission at Ceres is to help young adults transition into vegetarianism in the easiest, most elegant and fun way by offering an app that engages with your habits and human emotions. We understand that the world is changing and we want to help you change, too.


We envision a future where adults can enjoy their lives with less stress and less environmental guilt by transitioning to the rewarding lifestyle that vegetarianism can offer.






