Lauren Spude

Lauren Spude


Lauren Spude is a Design and Visual Communications student graduating in May of 2017 from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. With an emphasis in design, she experiments with product and packaging design and is influenced by exploring projects three-dimensionally.

While at UWM she expanded her knowledge with multiple design internships. She worked in customer service and product mock-ups within the silk screening industry at Will Enterprises and with editorial and illustration design in the Kohl’s Design It Lab at Discovery World. Finally, she had the pleasure of learning marketing and advertising design strategies by collaborating with clients at adBidtise.

Outside of her work experience Lauren is a design volunteer for 4PeteSake, a nonprofit organization helping local residents pay medical and housing bills. She helps contribute by spending time developing the organization’s annual brand and advertisements. When she is not designing or working she is finding something new to experience in Milwaukee.

Design Team

Glenn Williams – Glenn is a professor at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee teaching various 3D courses including industrial craft. He assisted the product development by guiding woodworking and physical construction techniques.

High School

River Valley High School



Vessi is an indoor hydroponic garden growing leafy produce and herbs close to you and your kitchen. The hydroponic garden uses a nutrient solution in place of soil to directly feed the plants and facilitate rapid growth. Users will choose three out of twelve plants and/or herbs to grow with Vessi’s seed kit. After setting up the hydroponic system and choosing your seeds, Vessi can function indoors year-round. Due to its compact size and built-in light fixture, timer, and air pump, Vessi grows in both urban and rural environments. The system empowers your lifestyle to give you control of what you grow, when you grow, and what you eat. Vessi is rooted in you.


Vessi illuminates your home with healthy and fresh hydroponic produce.


Vessi foresees a sustainably healthy future through access to fresh home grown produce.





