Alessandra Tato

Alessandra Tato


Alessandra Tato is an aspiring designer studying Design and Visual Communications and Information Technology at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. She has grown up in Milwaukee, a happy mix of city and nature, which has influenced her work allowing her to see the beauty in both the handmade and manmade.

The way that people interact with and experience an object or event is something that she implements in her work and finds valuable and intriguing and has garnered a love for UI/UX. Organization and navigation is an essential part of her daily life and design and being able to enhance and enrich a user’s experience with a product or an environment is something that she values deeply. She has been a part of Discovery World’s Summer Camp programs and has worked with many creatives. She finds it valuable to understand and keep an open mind to many perspectives when it comes to art and design.

In her not-so-professional life, she has formed a fascination with gaming, people, travel, rabbits and fish.

Design Team

Jake Stroeh, App Developer
Gabriella Tato, App Designer

High School

Riverside University High School



With Meemo, we bring the world closer together, building real and lasting relationships with those around us. Users are able to customize a character that is similar to their own personal self. To nurture these characters, users are encouraged to limit their social media usage and instead interact with their friends and loved ones. By monitoring the amount of social media in their daily lives, users are able to control over usage. Meemo illustrates the harmful effects of engaging solely online by correlating online time with their character’s health.


Meemo enables a future where teenagers can build lasting relationships away from the computer screen and build time management and social skills through small intervals of fun and rewarding gameplay.


Meemo envisions teenagers engaging with each other through fun and rewarding gameplay.





