Grace Winter


Grace Winter


Hello, my name is Grace Winter. I am a graphic design and art history double major with a passion for the intersection between design and fine art. I have worked as a Design Assistant and Collections Management Intern at the Milwaukee Art Museum, Design Coordinator and Art Handler at the Union Art Gallery, and Assistant Designer at Eastbrook Church.

Being a double major in Art History, I have extensive research and writing experience, and an aptitude for museum settings and critical analysis of fine art. These abilities have advanced my design skills by giving me the knowledge to evaluate my work, and the capability to articulate the meaning behind it.

I have been described by superiors and peers as friendly, outgoing, and dedicated, with particular skill in interpersonal communications. I am positive, hardworking, and care about the work I create, and more importantly the people I encounter because of it.

Design Team

Michelle Silverman, Clinical Assistant Professor, and ATAD Certificate Coordinator

Max Yela, Head of UWM Special Collections

Rachel Zimmers, User Testing

Olivia Bergh, User Testing

High School

Greenfield High School



With connection being our goal, Kin memory books are designed to bridge the generational gap present in grandchildren and grandparent relationships. With content written specifically to draw parallels and promote conversation, Kin provides a tangible way to connect young and elderly adults, both of which report staggering levels of loneliness. Our goal is to build on the relationships that are already present in many people’s lives and that are often neglected or overlooked.

Take the first step to a deeper relationship with your grandma, grandpa, granddaughter, grandson, grandniece, grandnephew, and more. With Kin as your guide, give the gift of connection.


Our mission is to connect loved ones who are separated by a generational gap and to do so in a tangible and obtainable way. In the act of filling out a Kin book, we give users not only the opportunity to relate to one another but also a keepsake they can cherish forever.


Our vision is that one day there will be no need for a company like ours, that generations will forge genuine and authentic connections without the need for a catalyst. But until that day comes, we are happy to do what we do.



