Trent Kolasa


Trent Kolasa


I started out studying in a science field when attending UWM, focusing on atmospheric sciences. I studied it for 2 years until coming across an unpassable barrier, that being calculus. I have a love for the sciences, though, what I forgot about myself is I have a big creative side but never saw it as something I would pursue. Luckily, I was guided to the art and design program at UWM by advisors, which was later narrowed down to the DVC program within the Peck School of the Arts. I have been in the program for three years now, starting on my fourth. I have gone through many projects within my design classes ranging from posters, digital posters, infographics, to laying out magazines, and making a book. It’s a journey which has showed my strengths and weaknesses within the design field, both of which I want to continue to learn from and improve upon as I mature as a designer.

Design Team

Michael Pepitone, DVC Senior

Joesph A. Aldtsadt, Associate Professor and Chair of UWM’s Chemistry Program

Kayla Ure, UWM Student

High School

Brother Rice Chicago

Root Logo


Originated and operating out of Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Here at Root 82, we care about the safety of the publics drinking water. Out name is derived from the idea of getting to the root of the problem, which is raising more awareness about lead within our drinking water. The number 82 in our name is a connection to lead with 82 being leads atomic number. Each day many individuals are being exposed to lead and do not even know. We want to alleviate this problem. This is done through our water bottle which was designed to detect lead within water.


We want the community to stay healthy and hydrated when drinking their water, while also raising more awareness about lead within our water supply. Lead is a harmful metal and can cause illnesses, such as cancer, if consistently being consumed over time. We want to allieviate the worry of knowing if there is lead in someone’s water.


Lead will be a problem in our water for years to come. When it comes to the harmful properties of lead in water, anyone can be poisoned by it. With our bottle, we see a future where less children and adults alike are harmed by lead.



Trent Infographic
