Load Sequence

TaskFlowCadenceStart TimeDuration
DW_Daily_Main_Taskflow–Refreshes all DW tables in the V8DW schema in the DWPROD database and some tables in the SAODS schema in the ODS database.Monday – FridayMidnightAbout 3 hours
DW_Load_Status–Updates the Load_Status/HIST table by setting IS_AVAILABLE to ‘Y’ and LAST_UPDATE to SYSDATE for the RDS records. This determines if the if the tables in DWPROD and in HIST are available for use.Monday – Friday (DWPROD) Saturday (HIST)5:30 am (M-F) 8:00 pm (Sat)About 5 minutes
Appstat Taskflow — Manually run by EDM team after the DW_Daily Main Taskflow has been completed successfully. Snapshot of Admissions data.Monday7:00 amAbout 15 minutes
Enrlstat Taskflow — Manually run the by the EDM team after the APPSTAT Taskflow has been successfully completed. This populates the Enrolstat set of tables. MondayAfter APPSTAT Taskflow has been completed.Must be completed by 8:30 am.
BI_Snap_Week_Enroll Taskflow — Loads weekly enrollment data to BI_SNAP tables in the Cognos schema in DWPROD. These tables are used in the Power BI weekly enrollment dataset.MondayAfter the Enrlstat Taskflow has been completed.About 5 minutes
DW_History_Main Taskflow — Refreshes tables in the V8HIST schema in DWPROD and some tables in the SAODS schema in the ODS database.Saturday4:30 pmAbout 1.5 hours
Statmaster — Process to populate VU_STA_CLASS and VU_STA_STUDENT. Reflects the data from the 10th day of classes.Usually run the 6th week of classes for fall and spring terms and the end of August or the beginning of September for the summer and the end of January for the winter.


DomainTable Set Criteria
Campus Community (CC)All people are selected, but only the current effective dated information is included. This is refreshed weeknights.
Admissions (Adm)All applicants are selected, but only the current effective dates information is included. This is refreshed weeknights.
Records (Rec)Students are selected if they have a term activation row within the last 5 years. Once the students are chosen, all data in the Records module for those students even beyond 5 years are selected. This is refreshed weeknights.
History Records (Hist)Students for all terms in production PAWS which starts in Spring 1984. Only the current effective dated dated information is selected. Refreshed on Saturdays.
Student Financials (SF)All current effective dated Student Financial information is selected. This is refreshed weeknights.
Financial Aid (FA)5 years of aid are selected. Aid year is changed in December per financial aid direction. This is refreshed weeknights.
Financial Aid Hist10 years of aid are selected. Aid year is changed in December per financial aid direction. This is refreshed on Saturdays.