Search People:

Name Title Email Phone Location
Layth Alwan
  • Professor, Lubar School of Business
  • Dean's Research Fellow
alwan@uwm.eduLubar Hall S497
Razia Azen
  • Professor, School of Education
azen@uwm.eduEnderis Hall 771
Amit Bhatnagar
  • Associate Professor, Lubar School of Business
amit@uwm.edu414-229-2520Lubar Hall N387
Vicki Bott
  • Outreach Program Manager, Academic Affairs
vlbott@uwm.eduCurtin Hall 594
Suzanne Boyd
  • Applied Mathematics & Computer Science Program Coordinator, Mathematical Sciences - General
sboyd@uwm.edu414-251-8340Eng & Math Sciences W405
Vytaras Brazauskas
  • Co-Director of Actuarial Science - Graduate, Mathematical Sciences - General
vytaras@uwm.edu414-229-5656Eng & Math Sciences E457
Avik Chakrabarti
  • Associate Professor, Economics - General
chakra@uwm.eduBolton Hall 836
Woonsup Choi
  • Associate Professor, Geography - General
choiw@uwm.edu414-229-2671Bolton Hall 496
Jason Dietenberger
  • Lecturer, School of Information Studies
dietenbe@uwm.edu414-751-0017Northwest Quadrant B 3541
Peter Dunn
  • Distinguished Professor, Biological Sciences
pdunn@uwm.edu414-229-2253Lapham Hall 497
Clark Evans
  • Atmospheric Science Program Coordinator, Mathematical Sciences - General
evans36@uwm.edu414-229-4469Eng & Math Sciences W401
Matthew Friedel
  • Senior Lecturer, Information Studies
friedelm@uwm.edu414-229-4707Northwest Quadrant B 3550
Jonah Gaster
  • Assistant Professor, Mathematical Sciences - General
gaster@uwm.edu414-229-5264Eng & Math Sciences
Donna Genzmer
  • Academic Staff Emerita, Geography
dgs@uwm.edu414-229-4865Bolton Hall 420
Daniel Gervini
  • Professor, Mathematical Sciences - General
gervini@uwm.edu414-229-5270Eng & Math Sciences E487
Rina Ghose
  • Professor, Industrial & Manufacturing Engineering
rghose@uwm.edu414-229-4797Eng & Math Sciences 1095
Sanjoy Ghose
  • Professor, Lubar School of Business
sanjoy@uwm.edu414-229-4224Lubar Hall N379
Maria Haigh
  • Associate Professor, Information Studies
mhaigh@uwm.edu414-229-5397Northwest Quadrant B 2585
Shengtong Han
  • Visiting Asst Prof, School Of Public Health
han24@uwm.eduZilber Sch Of Public Health Bldg
Thomas Holbrook
  • Professor, Political Science - General
holbroot@uwm.eduBolton Hall 660
Rohit Kate
  • Associate Professor, College of Engr. & Applied Sci.
katerj@uwm.edu414-229-4264Eng & Math Sciences E333
Margaret Kipp
  • Associate Professor, Information Studies
kipp@uwm.eduNorthwest Quadrant B 2574
Kundan Kishor
  • Graduate Advisor, Economics - General
kishor@uwm.edu414-229-6425Bolton Hall 822
Sergey Kravtsov
  • Professor, Mathematical Sciences - General
kravtsov@uwm.edu414-229-4863Eng & Math Sciences W441
Emily Latch
  • Professor, Biological Sciences
latch@uwm.edu414-229-4245Lapham Hall 215
Jake Luo
  • Associate Professor, College of Health Sciences
jakeluo@uwm.eduNorthwest Quadrant B 6469
Amol Mali
  • Associate Professor, College of Engr. & Applied Sci.
mali@uwm.edu414-229-6762Eng & Math Sciences 1055
Charles Mosley
  • Director of Corporate Relations, Academic Affairs
cmosley@uwm.edu414-229-3291Hefter Conference Center 190
Xiangming Mu
  • Associate Professor, Information Studies
mux@uwm.eduNorthwest Quadrant B 2565
Derek Nazareth
  • Associate Professor, Lubar School of Business
derek@uwm.edu414-229-6822Lubar Hall N357
Purushottam Papatla
  • Acad Program Director, Data Sci Initiative
Min Sook Park
  • Assistant Professor, Information Studies
Matthew Petering
  • Associate Professor, Industrial & Manufacturing Engineering Department
mattpete@uwm.edu414-229-3448Eng & Math Sciences 367
Joseph Retzer
  • Lecturer, Lubar School of Business
retzerjj@uwm.eduLubar Hall
Aki Roberts
  • Associate Professor, Sociology
aki@uwm.edu414-229-6943Bolton Hall 740
John Roberts
  • Professor, Sociology
  • Director of Graduate Studies
jmrob@uwm.edu414-229-6944Bolton Hall 764
Paul Roebber
  • Distinguished Professor, Mathematical Sciences - General
roebber@uwm.edu414-229-3950Eng & Math Sciences W428
Laura Roehl
  • Lecturer, Lubar School of Business
roehll@uwm.eduLubar Hall
Andrew Schendl
  • Teaching Assistant, Geography - General
Mark Schwartz
  • Distinguished Professor, Geography - General
mds@uwm.edu414-229-3740Bolton Hall 490
David Spade
  • Assistant Professor, Mathematical Sciences - General
spade@uwm.eduEng & Math Sciences E404
Akke Talsma
  • Associate Professor, College of Nursing
talsma@uwm.edu414-229-5503Cunningham Hall 627
Jeb Willenbring
  • Professor, Mathematical Sciences - General
  • Associate Chair for the Graduate Program
jw@uwm.eduEng & Math Sciences E461
Dietmar Wolfram
  • Senior Associate Dean & Professor, Information Studies
dwolfram@uwm.edu414-229-6836Northwest Quadrant B 3569
Changshan Wu
  • Professor, Geography - General
cswu@uwm.edu414-229-4860Bolton Hall 482
Zeyun Yu
  • Professor, College of Engr. & Applied Sci.
yuz@uwm.edu414-229-2960Eng & Math Sciences E350
Jun Zhang
  • Professor, College of Engr. & Applied Sci.
junzhang@uwm.edu414-229-4246Eng & Math Sciences 1207
Chao Zhu
  • Professor, Mathematical Sciences - General
zhu@uwm.edu414-229-3528Eng & Math Sciences E489