Software Description Link
CardIOCardIO is designed to build end-to-end machine learning models for deep research of electrocardiograms.
CONNECTCONNECT is an open source software and community that promotes IT interoperability in the U.S. healthcare system.
Doc ProductThe purpose of this project is to explore the capabilities of deep learning language models for scientific encoding and retrieval IT SHOULD NOT TO BE USED FOR ACTIONABLE MEDICAL ADVICE.
GNU HealthThe Libre digital health ecosystem, where Social Medicine meets state-of-the-art health informatics.
H2OThe H2O AI Cloud solves complex business problems and accelerates the discovery of new ideas with results you can understand and trust.
HAPI FHIRHAPI FHIR is a complete implementation of the HL7 FHIR standard for healthcare interoperability in Java.
InnerEye-DeepLearningThis is a deep learning toolbox to train models on medical images (or more generally, 3D images). It integrates seamlessly with cloud computing in Azure.
OPA2VecOPA2Vec is a tool that can be used to produce feature vectors for biological entities from an ontology.
Open HospitalOpen Hospital is a free and open-source Electronic Health Record (EHR) software application.
OpenEMRThe most popular open source electronic health records and medical practice management solution.
OpenMRSWe maintain a platform that countries and implementers use to create a customized EMR system in response to needs on the ground.
popHealthAn open source clinical quality measure reporting and visualization tool.
PyHealthPyHealth is a comprehensive Python package for healthcare AI, designed for both ML researchers and healthcare and medical practitioners.
S3MStatistically Significant Shapelet Mining
UNet-ZooA collection of UNet and hybrid architectures for 2D and 3D Biomedical Image segmentation, implemented in PyTorch.