UW System Water Policy Network co-hosted Phosphorus Conference in February 2023.

In Winter 2021, the Center for Water Policy first convened the Freshwater Collaborative Water Policy Network to build relationships across the 13 Universities of Wisconsin and further the goals of the Freshwater Collaborative of Wisconsin. We share ideas, leverage a variety of research methods, collaborate on research proposals, and develop water policy curricula for use across the Universities of Wisconsin. The Network has since become a “hub” for those interested in water policy to more easily identify collaborators for grants, guest lectures, public speaking, media interviews, etc. The Network is also a resource for government agencies, the private sector, and other stakeholders to connect with water policy experts from across the entire Universities of Wisconsin.

The Network is supported in part by the Freshwater Collaborative of Wisconsin and is leveraged by other resources from the Center for Water Policy. Annually, the Center for Water Policy selects and funds a Water Policy Scholar from among the Network members to work on policy issues related to one of the Grand Challenges

Water Drop Matrix

The Network is open to faculty, researchers and students across the 13 Universities of Wisconsin. We believe that interdisciplinary connections across the Universities of Wisconsin will lead to stronger water policy that protects clean water people use for swimming, boating, fishing, growing food, and manufacturing.

If you’re interested in joining the Freshwater Collaborative Water Policy Network, please complete this form.

Melissa Scanlan and Raj Grewal discussing wetlands

The Freshwater Collaborative Water Policy Network is led by a core team: Melissa Scanlan, Director of the Center for Water Policy and Professor in the School of Freshwater Sciences, UW-Milwaukee; Emma Ehrlich, Water Policy Specialist with the Center for Water Policy and Network Coordinator; Laura Suppes, Associate Professor in Public Health and Environmental Studies, UW-Eau Claire; Ken Genskow Professor in Planning & Landscape Architecture, UW-Madison; and Stephanie Spehar, Director of the Sustainability Institute for Regional Transformations, UW-Oshkosh.

The Network hosts presentations and discussions for its members, stakeholders, and the general public throughout the academic year. In February 2023, we co-hosted a statewide conference to evaluate a decade of research and experience implementing Wisconsin’s phosphorus rules and their impact on water quality. More information including a post-conference report that contains an academic research agenda for the next decade and policy recommendations to reduce phosphorus pollution and improve water quality, and videos of the full conference are available here.

Water Policy Experts

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Rebecca Abler

Rebecca Abler


Department of Natural & Applied Sciences

University of Wisconsin-Green Bay

Research Topics: Stream Water Quality, Aquatic Microbiology/Mycology, Undergraduate Research, Stream Restoration

Sumudu Atapattu

Sumudu Atapattu

Senior Lecturer

UW Law School

University of Wisconsin-Madison

Research Topics: International Environmental Law, Environmental Rights, Climate Change and Human Rights, Sustainable Development and Water Rights

Paul Block

Paul Block

Associate Professor

Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering

University of Wisconsin-Madison

Research Topics: Hydrologic Forecasting and Integration into Decision Models, Climate Variability and Change, Water Quality and Quantity Extremes, Risk and Uncertainty, Sustainable Approaches

Eric Booth

Research Scientist

Departments of Plant & Agroecosystem Sciences, and Civil & Environmental Engineering

University of Wisconsin-Madison

Research Topics: Hydroecology, Impacts of Climate and Land-Use Change, Urban Stormwater Management, Wetland/Stream Restoration, Water Quality, Groundwater Hydrology, Fluvial Geomorphology, Environmental History, Agroecology, Remote Sensing, and Numerical Modeling

Tracy Boyer

Tracy Boyer

Professor and Economist

School of Freshwater Sciences

University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

Research Topics: Environmental economics

Grace Bulltail

Grace Bulltail

Assistant Professor

Nelson Institute of Environmental Studies

University of Wisconsin-Madison

Research Topics: Water Resource Management, Indigenous Water Rights and Resource Sovereignty, Environmental Justice

Eric Compas


Department of Geography, Geology, and Environmental Science

University of Wisconsin-Whitewater

Research Topics: Water access/equity; Climate chance impacts and adaptation, e.g. extreme precipitation, flooding; citizen science, water quality monitoring

Tim Ehlinger

Timothy Ehlinger

Associate Professor

Institute for Systems Change and Peacebuilding

University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

Research Topics: Social-Ecological Systems Theory, Adaptive Governance and Stewardship, Human Health and Ecological Risk Assessment, Conflict Transformation, Aquatic Restoration Ecology

Zach Feiner

Research Scientist

Center for Limnology

University of Wisconsin-Madison

Research Topics: Fisheries management and ecology, Climate change impacts, Recreational fisheries

Jim Feldman

Professor and Director

Environmental Studies Program

University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh

Research Topics: Environmental History, Harmful Algal Blooms in Lake Winnebago

Kevin Fermanich

Kevin Fermanich


Department of Natural & Applied Sciences

University of Wisconsin-Green Bay

Research Topics: Soil Processes and Ground Water Quality, Nonpoint Source Pollution, Watershed Monitoring and Management, Fate of Contaminants

Robert Fish

Tribal Engagement Coordinator

Green Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve (NERR)  

University of Wisconsin-Green Bay

Research Topics: First Nations Studies, Community Partnerships and Engagement

Jeremy Foltz

Jeremy Foltz


Department of Agricultural and Applied Economics

University of Wisconsin-Madison

Research Topics: Environmental Policy, Technology Adoption, Agricultural Policy, Land and Nutrient Use

Ken Genskow

Ken Genskow


Department of Planning & Landscape Architecture

University of Wisconsin-Madison

Research Topics: Watershed Management, Rural Water Quality, Green Infrastructure, Groundwater, Collaborative Governance, Hazard Mitigation Planning, Flooding

Laura Good

Laura Good


Department of Soil Science

University of Wisconsin-Madison

Research Topics: Agricultural Land and Manure Management, Phosphorus Dynamics

Caroline Gottschalk Druschke

Caroline Gottschalk Druschke

Associate Professor

Department of English

University of Wisconsin-Madison

Research Topics: Freshwater Restoration, Flooding, Discourse, Public Engagement, Freshwater Management

Placeholder image

Elisabeth Harrahy

Associate Professor

Department of Biology

University of Wisconsin-Whitewater

Research Topics: Occurrence and effects of pesticides, blue-green algae and blue-green algal toxins, pharmaceuticals and personal care products in water

Jen Hauxwell

Jen Hauxwell

Associate Director

University of Wisconsin Sea Grant, Water Resources Institute

University of Wisconsin-Madison

Research Topics: Great Lakes Ecosystems, Sustainable Fisheries and Aquaculture, Coastal Communities and Economies, Environmental Literacy and Workforce Development, Groundwater Quality, Quantity and Management, and Inland Surface Waters

Richard Hein

Richard Hein


Department of Natural & Applied Sciences

University of Wisconsin-Green Bay

Research Topics: Land Use and Restoration Effects on Surface Water Quality, Undergraduate Research

Ryan Holifield

Ryan Holifield


Department of Geography

University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

Research Topics: Environmental Governance, Environmental Justice

Michael Holly

Michael Holly

Associate Professor

Resch School of Engineering

University of Wisconsin-Green Bay

Research Topics: Agricultural runoff, PFAS, Filter Media, Agricultural Waste Management, Stormwater Management, Nonpoint Source Pollution, Farm System Modeling, Environmental Fate and Treatment of Anthropogenic Chemicals

Marissa Jablonski

Marissa Jablonski

Executive Director

Freshwater Collaborative of Wisconsin

University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

Randy Jackson

Randy Jackson


Department of Agronomy

University of Wisconsin-Madison

Research Topics: Structure and function of Grassland Ecosystems, Nutrient Exchange, Carbon and Nutrient Cycling, Plant Community Responses to Disturbance, Agroecology, Farms as Ecosystem Units, Cellulosic Biofuel Cropping Systems, Grazing Effects on Pasture and Prairie

Julie Kinzelman

Julie Kinzelman

Visiting Lecturer

Sustainability Management Program

University of Wisconsin-Parkside

Research Topics: Coastal resiliency, Coastal Management, Water Resource Management, Climate Change, Coastal Restoration, Ecosystem Services

Greg Kleinheinz

Chair and Director

Department of Engineering and Engineering Technology, Environmental Research and Innovation Center

University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh

Research Topics: Contaminants, Recreational water safety, Drinking water, Emerging contaminants

J. Val Klump

J. Val Klump

Professor Emeritus

School of Freshwater Sciences

University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

Research Topics: Biogeochemical Cycling in Aquatic Environments, Boundary Layer Processes, Research Impacts Radiochemistry, Observing Systems and Underwater Robotics

Itziar Lazkano

Itziar Lazkano

Associate Professor

Department of Economics

University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

Research Topics: Environmental, Resource, and Energy Economics

Tina Lee

Professor of Anthropology

Department of Social Science

University of Wisconsin-Stout

Research Topics: Nutrient pollution, Watersheds, Sustainable agriculture, Community Capacity for restoration and land-use changes

Ashley Lemke

Associate Professor

Department of Anthropology

University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

Research Topics: Great Lakes, Cultural Heritage, Archaeology, Anthropology, Human-Environment Interactions

John Luczaj

John Luczaj


Department of Natural & Applied Sciences

University of Wisconsin-Green Bay

Research Topics: Groundwater Quantity and Quality, Northeast Groundwater Management Area, Water-Rock Interactions

Brad Mapes-Martins

Brad Mapes-Martins

Associate Professor

Department of Political Science

University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point

Research Topics: Rural Water Quality, Survey Methods, Effects of Partisan Polarization on Environmental Policy

Todd Miller

Associate Professor

Zilber College of Public Health

University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

Research Topics: Harmful algal blooms, Emerging contaminants, Environmental monitoring electronics

Eric Olson

Eric Olson

Director of Extension Lakes

College of Natural Resources

University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point

Thomas Pearson


Department of Social Sciences

University of Wisconsin-Stout

Research Topics: Environmental Justice, Grassroots Organizing, PFAS Contamination

Laurel Phoenix

Associate Professor

Department of Geography

University of Wisconsin-Green Bay

Research Topics: Watershed Management, Drinking Water and Wastewater Management, Environmental Planning, Flooding and Climate Change, Energy Economics, Riparian Water Law Reformation

Brian Pompeii

Assistant Teaching Professor

Department of Geography and Environmental Science

University of Wisconsin-La Crosse

Research Topics: Environmental Justice, Social Vulnerability, PFAS

James Price

James Price

Assistant Professor

School of Freshwater Sciences

University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

Research Topics: Nonmarket Valuation, Benefit-Cost Analysis, Source Water Protection, Municipal Water Supply and Demand, Urban Flooding

Adena Rissman

Adena Rissman


Department of Forest and Wildlife Ecology

University of Wisconsin-Madison

Research Topics: Natural Resources Policy, Policy and Politics of Environmental Information

Morgan Robertson


Department of Geography

University of Wisconsin-Madison

Research Topics: Environmental Credit Markets, Clean Water Act Wetland Policy

Paul Roebber

Paul Roebber


School of Freshwater Sciences

University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

Research Topics: Climate Change, Weather Systems, Weather Forecasting, Data Analytics, Machine Learning

Daniel Rust

Associate Professor of Transportation and Logistics Management

School of Business and Economics

University of Wisconsin-Superior

Research Topics: Educating the next generation of Wisconsin’s transportation and logistics managers; Marine transportation and climate change

Daniel Sambu

Associate Professor

Department of Geography and Environmental Science

University of Wisconsin-La Crosse

Research Topics: Water policy and development, water sustainability, community water management, climate change and water access

Melissa Scanlan

Melissa Scanlan

Lynde B. Uihlein Endowed Chair and Professor in Water Policy, Director of the Center for Water Policy

School of Freshwater Sciences, UW Law School

University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

Research Topics: Public Trust Doctrine, Public Access to Water Resources, Climate Change, Clean Water Act and Agricultural Water Pollution, Stormwater, Pollution Trading; Social Enterprise Legal Design, Cooperative Business

Amanda Seligman

Amanda Seligman


Department of History and Urban Studies

University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

Research Topics: Race, Public Policy, Community Organization

Stephanie Spehar


Department of Anthropology

University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh

Research Topics: Harmful Algal Blooms, Social Science and Sustainability, Human Dimensions of Environmental Issues, Social-ecological Systems

Jeffery Steele

Jef Steele

Water Quality Specialist

Division of Facilities Management and Planning

University of Wisconsin-Madison

Research Topics: Drinking Water Contaminants, Blue-Green Algae, and Stormwater Mitigation

Andrew Stevens

Andrew Stevens

Assistant Professor

Department of Agricultural and Applied Economics

University of Wisconsin-Madison

Research Topics: Agricultural Land Use, Irrigation, Nutrient Runoff, Erosion

John Stoll

Professor of Economics and Austin E. Cofrin Professor of Management

Center for Public Affairs

University of Wisconsin-Green Bay

Laura Suppes

Laura Suppes

Associate Professor

Department of Public Health and Environmental Studies

University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire

Research Topics: Chemical and Biological Hazards in Water, Public Health, Quantitative Microbial Risk Assessments

Steph Tai

Professor; Associate Dean

Wisconsin Law School; Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies

University of Wisconsin-Madison

Research Topics: Interactions between environmental and health sciences and administrative law; Consideration of scientific expertise and environmental justice concerns by administrative and judicial systems, Scientific dialogues in food systems regulation, Private governance in scientific research

Matt TenEyck


Lake Superior Research Institute

University of Wisconsin-Superior

Research Topics: Movement and prevention of aquatic invasive species in ships’ ballast water

Emily Tyner

Emily Tyner

Director of Freshwater Strategy

University of Wisconsin-Green Bay

Research Topics: Public and Stakeholder Engagement, Environmental Justice, Shoreline Planning, Development, and Access, NERR

Abhishek Verma

Abhishek Verma

Assistant Professor

Department of Engineering and Technology

University of Wisconsin-Stout

Research Topics: Freshwater science and policy in engineering curriculum, Applications of drone/UAV and underwater robot in natural sciences

Sarah Vitale

Sarah Vitale

Assistant Professor

Department of Geology & Environmental Science

University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire

Research Topics: Groundwater Quality and Quantity in Western Wisconsin, Fracture Flow

James Wasley

Jim Wasley


Department of Architecture & Urban Planning

University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

Research Topics: Green/Blue Infrastructure, Architecture/, Landscape Architecture, Urban Design of Ecological Waterscapes. Water-Centric Cities

Ken Webb

Ken Webb

Research Associate

Department of Natural & Applied Sciences

University of Wisconsin-Green Bay

Research Topics: Aquaculture, Larval Fish Physiology, Sustainable Agriculture/Water Use

Amber Wichowsky

Associate Professor

Robert M. La Follette School of Public Affairs/Division of Extension

University of Wisconsin-Madison

Research Topics: Collaborative governance, public engagement with science, public policy  

Chelsea Zegler

Chelsea Zegler

Ag Water Quality Educator

Division of Extension

University of Wisconsin-Madison

Research Topics: Dissolved Phosphorus Loss, Cover Crops, Nitrogen Leaching, Agricultural Practices