July 29, 2020

How Two Nudniks Saved History from the Fire

The Moscow State Yiddish Theatre archives are available digitally!
July 15, 2020

Teaching with the Digital Yiddish Theatre Project

Yiddish in the time of COVID.
July 2, 2020

Interview: Filmmaker Alejandro Vagnenkos on the Buenos Aires Yiddish Legend Jevel Katz

Patricial Nuriel interviews Alejandro Vagnenkos about his documentary Jevel Katz y sus paisanos.
May 29, 2020

Between Biznes and Art: Commercial and Independent Companies in the Yiddish Theatre of Buenos Aires (1930-1960)

“If you can find an enthused theatre crowd 6,000 miles from New York, it means that Yiddish theatre still has a future.”
April 21, 2020

“S’iz nisht dos vos amol iz geven”: Max Perlman (1909-1985)

Of all the Yiddish entertainers to have visited South Africa after the Holocaust, Max Perlman is virtually the only artist who is still remembered today.
April 7, 2020

Shtumer shabes: A New Play by Rokhl Kafrissen

An interview with the playwright by the DYTP’s Amanda (Miryem-Khaye) Seigel.
March 11, 2020

Biz 120: The Yiddish Artists and Friends Actors’ Club at 85

85 years of the Yiddish Artists and Friends Actors’ Club…
February 13, 2020

Interview with Joshua Horowitz on the Orchestration of Bas-Sheve

In February 2019, Josh Horowitz was sent the manuscript of Henekh Kon’s piano and vocal score of the only known pre-Holocaust Yiddish opera, Bas-Sheve.
January 23, 2020

Interview: Alicia Svigals and Donald Sosin on Their Film Score for The Ancient Law

Alicia Svigals and Donald Sosin on scoring a Weimar-era film about a backwoods Jewish boy whose talent leads him to show business success and possible romance with a well-placed Gentile woman.
December 20, 2019

Magic and Melody Delight in a Yiddish Fairytale Reborn

An evil stepmother. A brave heroine in danger. A handsome fiancé. A conniving sorceress. A plan foiled. A fairytale wedding.
November 6, 2019

Theatre: A Sketch

Jessica Kirzane’s translation and introduction of ​Miriam Karpilove’s “Theatre.”