Search Results for: indecent

January 9, 2018

Revival and Homage Productions of Yiddish Theatre

There’s something about the popular entertainment of the 1880s-1930s that draws people to fool around with creative ways of making it contemporary.
April 18, 2017

The Stones Outtake

An outtake from the play Indecent
April 6, 2017

Yiddish Drama on the Broadway Stage

From its beginnings, New York’s Yiddish theatre intersected with the mainstream English-language stage.
February 28, 2017

10 Things You Need to Know About God of Vengeance

A Twitter summary of its production history would read something like this: “admired, translated, parodied, panned, banned, prosecuted, withdrawn, forgotten, revived, celebrated.”
January 16, 2017

Sholem Asch: God of Vengeance is Not an Immoral Play

Because of the wrong interpretation of my play, *The God of Vengeance*, now running at the Apollo Theatre, I wish to make the following statement…
January 7, 2017

Brothel Intrigue, with a Modern Twist: Got fun nekome at the New Yiddish Rep

The New Yiddish Rep’s production is no period play. The play itself feels remarkably modern, even 110 years later, and the New Yiddish Rep has given *Got fun nekome* a production to match.