
Explore Yiddish performances by period, from the Middle Ages to the 21st century.

June 21, 2021

The Bird of COVID

Chava Rosenfarb’s Der foygl fun geto (The Bird of the Ghetto) had its Yiddish-language premiere April 18 to 22, on the Folksbiene’s video channel.
June 17, 2021

Interview: Sabina Brukner on the Folksbiene’s Yiddish Women Playwrights Festival

The National Yiddish Theater Folksbiene recently launched its Yiddish Women Playwrights Festival with a reading of Chava Rosenfarb’s drama of the Vilna Ghetto, Der foygl fun geto.
June 14, 2021

The Dybbuk of COVID

The Congress for Jewish Culture’s YouTube Live performance of Der dibek (The Dybbuk), presented in Yiddish, premiered on December 14, 2020, in honor of the play’s 100th anniversary.
June 8, 2021

The Menashe Skulnik Story in the Forward

Menashe Skulnik (1892-1970) was one of the great comic actors of the Yiddish theatre, remembered for his trademark porkpie hat and beloved for his schlemiel-like stage persona.
May 24, 2021

Menashe Skulnik Becomes a Star in Buenos Aires

Menashe Skulnik (1892-1970) was one of the great comic actors of the Yiddish theatre, remembered for his trademark porkpie hat and beloved for his schlemiel-like stage persona.
April 12, 2021

Why Wikidata is Good for Yiddish Theatre Research

Part two of two on how the digital humanities can inspire the world of Yiddish theatre.