Freddy Cao

Freddy Cao

  • Clinical Associate Professor, Biomedical Sciences

Dr. Cao graduated from medical school in China in 1985. He got into the PhD program at University of Tokyo in 1990 and received his PhD in 1994. He was then awarded the postdoctoral fellowship from the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science for one year. Thereafter, he served as faculty in the Department of Physiology, Medical School of the University of Tokyo for two years.

In 1997 he came to the United States for medical research and worked at Northwestern University Medical School and Oregon Health & Science University. His research was primarily focused on the central regulation of cardiovascular and respiratory systems and other autonomic functions, such as thermogenesis and energy metabolism.

Dr. Cao joined the UWM College of Nursing in 2006. He currently teaches pathophysiology for the Undergraduate Program and Direct Entry Master (DEM) program, as well as advanced physiology for the on-line PhD Program.

Intellectual Contributions

Sherman, K., Woyach, V., Eisenach, J. C., Hopp, F. A., Cao, F., Hogan, Q. H., & Dean, C. (2021). Heterogeneity in patterns of pain development after nerve injury in rats and the influence of sex. Neurobiology of Pain, 10, 100069. doi:10.1016/j.ynpai.2021.100069