In memoriam: Dr. Alan Corré, Emeritus Professor of Hebrew Studies

We are sad to share the news that Dr. Alan Corré, Emeritus Professor of Hebrew Studies, passed away recently. Dr. Corré joined the Department of Hebrew Studies (now a part of the Department of Foreign Languages and Literature) at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee in 1963, and he served as Professor of Hebrew Studies for 30 years. His many scholarly articles and reviews on subjects such as Hebrew linguistics, Judeo-Arabic language and culture, canonical Jewish texts, and computational linguistics have been published in notable journals and encyclopedias. Dr. Corré was also a rabbi, and was widely respected in his field. In 2011, a gift from Dr. Corré and his family to the Sam & Helen Stahl Center for Jewish Studies, made in honor of Dr. Corré‘s 80th birthday, established a new scholarship fund to support undergraduate students in Jewish Studies.