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Screenshot showing the acessibility rating process for different disabilities on Access PlaceDetailed Description (Description):
This is a screenshot of AccessPlace showing the impairment selection portion of a personal profile. The screenshot shows question 8: "How would you rate John's level of ability to complete the following tasks?". Below there is a box taking up one-fourth of the screen that is labeled as section A. Mobility with a bar indicating the user to rate their ability to do stairs, with a small notes box below for details. Following box A., there are boxes B. Lower Extremity, C. Upper Extremity, D. Head, Neck, and Back, E. Hearing, F. Vision, and G. Sensory Sensitivities. These boxes have a down arrow on the right side indicating to open the box for more information. Below there are "previous" and "next" buttons along with a bar indicating the user is on question 5 out of 7.